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Saint Joseph's RC school at Walkley

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For Milted. Just a thought - my mum was taught by a Miss Imelda Brown and so was I. She was probably in her fifties when I was there. She lived in a house just over the wall from the slope leading down to the hall, verandah type thing and little playground. Do you think it's the same person?


Sorry to butt in here I just spotted the name Imelda Brown. She was my scolarship teacher in 1952 at St Oswalds (Wybourn). Incidentally I passed but it was the worst thing I did in my life. The De La Salle Brothers were sadists !

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I've just joined the forum to tell you that most of my family went to St. Joseph's. I have a photo dated 1896 of my gran at school. She was Annie Green. Her brothers also attended. My mum, Kathleen Cotton, went there in about 1926 as did my dad, Bill Ryalls. I went there in1958 and my brother Miichael started in 1964. My 2 uncles and my mum's best friend attended. She later married my uncle. Most of these people have died but Aunty Margaret, Mick and I are alive and kicking. The school is now luxury flats and the church a Buddhist centre. Don't times change!


How is Mick? I was there at St Joes with him and we both became altar boys at the same time. Mick and I were the first in our class to become altar boys (Mick pipped me by one day) and I remember that our first mass was very early in the morning across the road!

Pass on my regards - Richard Madin

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Well, well Richard Madin!! Broth is fine and still living in S6. I see him regularly as we go through from glorious Hull for the football. I'll tell him you were in touch. Didn't you have an older sister? Or am I having a senior moment!


Yes, Catherine, who left St Joes around 1966. She's now the Chief Exec at North Cheshire NHS! There was also my brothers, Paul (left 1968) Graham (left 1969) and a younger brther Chris. We seemed to go through St Joes with the Farrell's and the Murphy's.

Senior moments seem to come more and more often don't they!

Give my best to Mick.

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  • 1 year later...

Well that was interesting; pity I came in 2 years down the line. I see my cousin Margaret (Brown) was explaining to various people about St Josephs. I went there in '64-'66 and was in the same class as Catherine Madin, in fact sat facing each other at certain times!

Miss Pierrus J3 (don't know the spelling) and Miss Brown J4 were my 2 teachers before I went to De La Salle. I of course know the Madins-most of them and I also went in the Scouts with some of them.

I still see Mick (Ryalls) every now & then. I once saw Terry Walsh, he had moved to Surrey and was married(?) to a vet.

At St Joes when I started the headmistress ws Sister Catherine, (very strict) then Sister Margaret (very kind)

Did anyone know Jan Wojtuski or John Grant? I still know them but haven't been in touch for years.

All the best to everyone.

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  • 2 months later...
My Maiden name was Hensor, and I attended St. Josephs around 1935. Is there anybody out there from that area or era.

I also had 3 brothers at the same school, Jack, Osbert & Bernard around the same time. Would love to hear from anybody.

Millie Rackstraw ( nee Hensor)


Hi Millie. went to this school 1923/34. do not remember the name. will quote a few I do know. bill hayes. victor nolan. j turner. eyre.

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I've just joined the forum to tell you that most of my family went to St. Joseph's. I have a photo dated 1896 of my gran at school. She was Annie Green. Her brothers also attended. My mum, Kathleen Cotton, went there in about 1926 as did my dad, Bill Ryalls. I went there in1958 and my brother Miichael started in 1964. My 2 uncles and my mum's best friend attended. She later married my uncle. Most of these people have died but Aunty Margaret, Mick and I are alive and kicking. The school is now luxury flats and the church a Buddhist centre. Don't times change!


Hi. remember. jim cotton .kathleen cotton.cheshire tyk

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Hello Cheshire Tyk, No Mum died in 1997.Very few of my family connected with St Josephs are alive only my aunty who was called Margaret Raynor before she married Frank Cotton my other uncle who drowned on holiday in Greece, I believe, many years ago. How do you know of my family?

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