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What does everyone do for a living here?

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You get "grumpies" in every joband I admit we have quite a few. Not making excuses for bad manners but I think a bit more running time on the busy routes would be a help, however that would mean cost money and "First" only Made 10 million pounds last year.

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Originally posted by "joe"


Firefighter so i expect a load of ****e about the 'strike situation'. But apart from that, its nice to meet you all.


No ****e from me Joe. I wouldn't do what you do, for any amount of money.

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There has already been some debate about the strike, and yeah, it was kind of supporting at first to almost universally condenming at the end. But what I have noticed that there tends to be a quite surprising amount of honest debate here. You have your view, here's mine...


the respect show for different opinions is more than I have experienced on any comparable web site / news group / mailing list.

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Originally posted by "Anonymous"


First visit to this website. I recently resigned as a Bank Clerk and am now a full time mum to two girls (8mths and 4yrs). :roll:


You mean you quit to become a mother or quit before that for another reason like you hated if for example?

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