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Kickboxing on wellington street

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just found a kick boxing club on wellington street its fab get yourself there


Although I keep threatening it i'm aiming to get down in the next week or two. I did k/boxing for about a year, last year and would love to start again. I've just finished decorating my new house and could do with some self-defence tips to defend myself from my bird when I haven't done the washin' up!


Is it Monday, Wed & Fri?

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just found a kick boxing club on wellington street its fab get yourself there


Hi Cherry Cake

Thank you for the compliment. Which classes do you go to and what time?

Theres a High probability that its me who has taught you. On the other hand it may be Big Andy or Mark (with the bushy hair and the tatoo on his arm).



Get yourself down , your welcome at any of the sessions!

Better still let Gus drag you with him. He has learned loads in such a short space of time.


Beginners classes :


A step above beginners:

TUESDAY 730PM, Or the OPEN Bagwork session 6-7PM.


Consider yourself a cut above the rest?

MONDAY 630-830PM / FRIDAY 7-830PM ( Be warned they are not easy classes!!!)


Mixed ability class, young and old alike ! Kids and parents welcome too.


Cheers Cherry cake& Jazzy


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