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Anyone know about 'Diamonds' Cabaret Bar, Rotherham?


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I was visiting Rotherham last week, and noticed that the 'Diamonds' Cabaret Bar, (Next door to the Voodoo Cellar) half way up Westgate (Which shut a couple of summers ago) is going to be reopened, as a notice on the front mentioned about a new licensee. On closer examination, the notice mentioned something about the licensee of the 'Beaujangles' Pub being the applicant to reopen Damonds, which used to be a very good Drag cabaret venue, and my one regret was that I never managed to visit it when it was open.


Does anyone know any more of the background to the new licensee's plans for 'Diamonds'? Another notice on the front mentioned that it will reopen as 'Metro'. Will it be 'Gay Friendly', and will the management be interested in staging Drag cabaret on a regular or occasional basis? My agents and I'd be most grateful for any further info, as I believe that Rotherham should be able to support a frequent Drag show venue.

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