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Looking for a good book set in Sheffield!


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Tuppenny Hat Detetctive is set in Sheffield in 1951. Walkley / Rivelin area. It's written by me, so I think it's brilliant - well obviously I'm not going to tell you its crap am I?. However if you don't enjoy it I'll give a copper bottomed guarantee and another free book that you hate as well.


Your doppelgänger has already claimed that book oh venerable one :suspect:http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=432449

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  • 2 years later...

I have started a blog on Sheffield novels. So far: Put Yourself in his Place: very good, The Northern Clemency: awful, Second from Last in the Sack Race:well worth reading, Not Safe: a bit iffy, but all right if you like that sort of thing, and Looks and Smiles: disappointing, good in parts. I've not reviewed my own: The Evergreen in red and white but point you to other reviews. See: http://stevek1889.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/sheffield-novels.html

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