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Leadmill last night- Girl unconcious

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Why is it???


Normally people can tell the difference when they get spiked..I have been spiked before after having not much to drink..its a different feeling and you can tell you have been if you havnt had much drink...


My sister has also been spiked..we could tell she had. Her eyes were rolling up to the top of her head..she couldnt walk or even ardley speak..and she didnt really drink much at the time...


I agree, my brother got his drink spiked a few years back while we was in skeg vegas around easter time. We knew he had been spiked coz he had the same syptoms as above, the person that did it did it because he was after my brothers girlfriend at the time :rant: All i can say it that he was visiting A&E a few hours later x

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I agree, my brother got his drink spiked a few years back while we was in skeg vegas around easter time. We knew he had been spiked coz he had the same syptoms as above, the person that did it did it because he was after my brothers girlfriend at the time :rant: All i can say it that he was visiting A&E a few hours later x


:o Thats awful

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Guest Pauly

I've also seen someone who's been spiked and the poor lass had no idea what was going on around her. She's not a huge drinker and I'd never seen her like that. Her eyes were rolling around all over and she was completely out of control. It's lucky that I picked her up in town or god knows what might've happened. The following morning shehad no recollection at all of what exactly happened but it was definately not just drink that put her in that state.


People who spike drinks need a good kicking.

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Yep i know. He obviously thought he could get away with it but he was wrong and suffered for it afterwards x


I'm glad he did!! :mad:


I didnt know who had done it to me. It was at the Leadmill and I left my drink on a little ledge while I was dancing with a friend. I know now it was silly of me to leave my drink but I never thought anything like that would happen. I will never leave my drink again.

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And your evidence of this is what?


It's a bit more embarassing to say "my friend got so drunk/off their face we had to phone an ambulance" but much more likely to be true...


Erm...she had her drink spiked, simple as that:rolleyes: I think the best judge of that situation would be me, at the time heavily pregnant & out with friends before going for a meal. One drink in a pub where my friend was 'chatted-up' by a group of lads whilst getting her drink at the bar despite the fact that we were all in couples. We went straight from there to the restaurant where she collapsed. The paramedic suspected she'd been spiked, she had only one drink as that was our first stop.


Is that okay or would you like her hospital notes?

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I'm glad he did!! :mad:


I didnt know who had done it to me. It was at the Leadmill and I left my drink on a little ledge while I was dancing with a friend. I know now it was silly of me to leave my drink but I never thought anything like that would happen. I will never leave my drink again.


My brother went to the bar and bought 5 drinks, he could only carry four so he left the other one on the bar and thats when he spiked him, obviously he didn't know so he came back to the table and started drinking it, thats when things started to happen. Not one of us now leaves our drinks unattended, we always go in 2's to the bar so if anybody cant carry any then the other person always brings it :thumbsup:


Please people - Do not leave your drinks unattended, there are some slimy people around and they will try anything at every opportunity x

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No, that's ok - did the hospital think she'd been spiked? Did the police become involved? Were CCTV tapes taken from the venue where the "spiking" took place?




From experience this tends to mean "I told the paramedic over and over that she'd had her drink spiked and he nodded politely"


As I've said elsewhere, the statistical chances of having your drink spiked randomly are tiny - what is the benefit to the spiker of randomly adulterating peoples drinks?


This is completely untrue, there was a spate of drink spiking in my local club a couple of years ago, where there were at least 10 suspected cases in a week (and those were just the ones I was aware of through people I knew), with many more probably being put down to drink and being unnoticed. Everyone knew it was going on, even the bouncers started asking friends of girls collapsed in the toilet if they'd left their drink unattended as opposed to if they'd taken anything or how much they'd had to drink.


From that experience, the police tend not to be that bothered. I couldn't prove I'd had my drink spiked because it was 12 hours before I went to hospital and the drugs used to spike drinks are rapidly eliminated from the body and don't show up in tests. They did begin to investigate after so many cases turned up, and it resulted in a large local anti-spiking campaign. Another pub had several cases so started putting free anti-spiking toppers in all bottled drinks.


The benefit to the spiker? Not all spikers are after victims to rape. The main reason people spike drinks is for 'voyeuristic' activity. They enjoy watching the state the victims fall into.

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I hardly come on this forum anymore and this thread is one of the reasons why.


Mark came on asking if anyone knew any information on if this girl was ok, and at least 3 of you start having a go at him for asking and arguing with him for it. Shame on you, where have all the nice people gone?? :loopy:

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