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Leadmill last night- Girl unconcious

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No, that's ok - did the hospital think she'd been spiked? Did the police become involved? Were CCTV tapes taken from the venue where the "spiking" took place?


From experience this tends to mean "I told the paramedic over and over that she'd had her drink spiked and he nodded politely"


As I've said elsewhere, the statistical chances of having your drink spiked randomly are tiny - what is the benefit to the spiker of randomly adulterating peoples drinks?


indeed, odd that most alledged spikings are either after a lot of drinking or after a couple of drinks in someone who 'doesn't drink'...


in 4 years of A+E experience i've seen 3 or 4 genuine spikings, most ofthe rest have been embarassed mates or angry parents puttign spiking up as a reason why their mate / offspring has drunk themselves into the state they are in


alcohol is a depressant , it is virtually impossible to tell the difference between too much alcolhol and some alcohol and a benzo ...


the police are rarely interested in these random spikings as there is no chance of getting evidence, if , the spiking actually did happen and it's not just down to too much drink or some other underlying (often sub clinical ) health problem such as a viral infection...


another factor is the issue of the detectability or otherwise of the drugs used, especially as you are unlikely to get people freely admitting their use of other illicit drugs ...

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I saw the girl in leadmill to. My friend saw her who is a nurse in practasing and got her to drink somewater and sit down as she was falling allover. we spoke to the girls friends and they told us that she was epaleptic and that she gets worse in really hot weather. Hence it being extremly hot in leadmill on thursday night. The girl was made to leave with her friends by the bouncers and they was not very polite about it as they thought shed had to much to drink. So i was very angry as they have no consideration and i told them not to tar everyone with the same brush. I also rang up leadmill on friday morning to complain about how there staff treat people who genuinly are ill. Not everyoe who goes out is drunk or is on drugs. about time them bouncers learnt about respect. Well anyway the girl got in ambulance ao im sure she will be ok.

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please dont guess too




how can you tell somebody not to guess shes od'd then gues shes been spiked????


it could be anything, could be neither


she could be epilectic


Please don't guess - there have been numerous threads regarding spiking of drinks in the pubs and clubs of Sheffield - It's a fact there have been numerous threads, this is a fact not a guess


Have a search through the forum for the word spiked and I'm sure you'll find some threads - did you bother to do this before you waded in?

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No, that's ok - did the hospital think she'd been spiked? Did the police become involved? Were CCTV tapes taken from the venue where the "spiking" took place?




From experience this tends to mean "I told the paramedic over and over that she'd had her drink spiked and he nodded politely"


As I've said elsewhere, the statistical chances of having your drink spiked randomly are tiny - what is the benefit to the spiker of randomly adulterating peoples drinks?



I think you are well out of order here mate, why does itmatter what the hospital in this case thought, a bit too personal there I think, and from someone who's been in this situation you wouldn't make it up, I do drink, and on this night I'd had 3, I can tell you all what they were, and then I remember nothing unitl the next morning, scary as hell, why would oyu make that up!!! and even if they do, why would it matter to you, or is your job just to prove everyone else in the world wrong.

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A friend of mine got spiked and yes im sure it was spiked because she usually drinks alot and can handle her drink. We went out she had one drink (which got brought for her) and then she couldnt stand. The day after she couldnt remember anything. Now im sorry but she got spiked and honestly it was the scariest moment in her and my life. We're all always extra careful now.

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Erm...she had her drink spiked, simple as that:rolleyes: I think the best judge of that situation would be me, at the time heavily pregnant & out with friends before going for a meal. One drink in a pub where my friend was 'chatted-up' by a group of lads whilst getting her drink at the bar despite the fact that we were all in couples. We went straight from there to the restaurant where she collapsed. The paramedic suspected she'd been spiked, she had only one drink as that was our first stop.


Is that okay or would you like her hospital notes?


I dont understand the spiking culture, or more specifically, people who randomly spike drinks. What exactly is their goal? I am seriously not being naive here, but spiking the drink of someone in a big group to the point where they collapse inside a few minutes is just utterly pointless.


I could understand (though clearly not agree with) people who spike the drink of someone they may be 'chatting up'. But dropping drugs in a random glass - why bother?

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I think you are well out of order here mate, why does itmatter what the hospital in this case thought, a bit too personal there I think, and from someone who's been in this situation you wouldn't make it up, I do drink, and on this night I'd had 3, I can tell you all what they were, and then I remember nothing unitl the next morning, scary as hell, why would oyu make that up!!! and even if they do, why would it matter to you, or is your job just to prove everyone else in the world wrong.



I think all the poster was getting at is there is often a tendancy when someone becomes very drunk or passes out to simply say "my drink must have been spiked" Its like the old joke of a bloke throwing up after 15 pints and then blaming the portion of chips he had; in short, its human nature to blame everything but the obvious. I very much doubt they were casting ascertions directly over you and or your friends.


On a sidenote, its interesting that a lot of the "spike threads" seem to concentrate on the Leadmill. Maybe it has something to do with the quality of alcohol being served. At £1 for a double, questions have to be asked. I remember being HORRIFICALLY ill in there once after drinking a double vodka and red devil. And I was sober prior to that.



I guess you never can tell When Mr Sick will visit his next victim.

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