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Why must men always make the first move?


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So is it the consensus of opinion that if a girl doesn't smile and make eye contact with me then she is not interested?

But if she does smile and make some eye comtact then she may be interested and that I am expected to approach her rather tha wait for her to approach me?

Sensible answers please and please keep on topic. This thread is about me asking for i fo about a specific issue. if you want to flirt with each other start your own threads.


Yes, I'd say that if a girl isn't looking at you, even out of the corner of her eye, then she isn't interested in you. She may or may not smile at you, but if she's not even noticing you then she's not interested.


Most women would wait to be approached because as medusa's mentioned almost all men prefer to be the hunter rather than the prey. Also make sure that the girl's not out of your league in the first place, it's not often that people are interested in someone less attractive than they are. If you're plain, unless you're very popular and have a great personality, which you obviously don't or you wouldn't be asking this stuff all the time, you won't get a "fit bird" interested.


Oh, and don't touch her or tell her she's sexy in the first few minutes, we don't like that sleazy stuff, compliments about clothes, shoes or hair are ok. You'll know if she likes you cos she'll probably touch your arm or chest area whilst chatting, look at you from under her lashes or touch her hair. Of course, she might do the hair thing if she's embarrassed as well. It can be hard to tell at first which it is.


Experience of which you should by now have 20 years teaches you this stuff! But unless you take the plunge and go out and practise you'll never get anywhere.

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Sometimes, Sid, I feel I could quite cheerfully throttle you...It really isn't that bloody difficult! Women are great, they're lovely, they're the reason why men exist! ( Apologies to all the gay people of either sex who may be reading!)

Talk, smile. Be yourself - do you know who you are? I do - it's taken me a while to get there , but I do...there's a wealth of good advice from 'old hands' of both sexes here on the Forum. There are so many people out there who are looking to meet someone.

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Guest Pauly
Sometimes, Sid, I feel I could quite cheerfully throttle you...It really isn't that bloody difficult!


Sid, I get the feeling that you reckon there's some sort of hard and fast method to doing this. Like if you say a certain thing and stand a certain way at a certain time then your target female will fall into your arms and you'll win the game. It's not as cut and dried as you're expecting it to be. :roll: I've had enough of giving advice though. It's pointless because you only digest what you want and you don't really have much respect for women anyway.

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I've had enough of giving advice though. It's pointless because you only digest what you want and you don't really have much respect for women anyway.


Hear, hear, Pauly ... you've hit the nail on the head here. I reckon he's just playing with us, you know.



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I am not without a sense of humour but this is a subject i treat with upmost seriousness as it is very important to me.


Exactly! That's your problem! Stop studying it/analyising it/dissecting it! If you want to find out why you haven't got a woman, read your own posts and they will tell all. It's quite clear that all of the ladies kind enough to offer you advice, often knowing you won't pay a blind bit of notice, would not touch you with a ****** stick. The answer why is right in front of you.


I'm always the one who comes across as harsh here but that's coz I'm fed up of reading your crap. Go out, talk to some girls, even if you don't really want to get anywhere, just talk to them to get used to it. The come back and report. That way people might listen more if they see you're making an effort rather than disregarding the advice they give and coming back a week later with yet more inane toss. :rant:

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