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Why must men always make the first move?


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Sid, go read a book on it or something. You seem to think there's hard-and-fast rules, there's not so stop ******* about and wasting our/your time on dissecting it. :mad:


Do you get eye contact and a smile often? Is it that much of a dilemma for you? Probably not. If you carry on with women like you do here you've got no chance. That said, pay them as much attention as you do your PC and you'll be flying!


Please give it a rest, go out of your house and hopefully come back to us with some good news.


If you don't want to help then why not just ignor this thread and concentrate on the ones you find interesting.


Hopfully someone else will feel differently to you.

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You don't want help sid, people have tried to help you and you ignore their advice, ignore it or pretend it hasn't happened.


We've tried but you don't want helping, you seem quite happy to revel in your own self pity.


I know thats what you're doing, I do it myself, lets not mess about thinking you want actual help, you just want to be pitied.



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If you don't want to help then why not just ignor this thread and concentrate on the ones you find interesting.


Hopfully someone else will feel differently to you.


Agree with both of you on this one. 'Bring' could be more sympathetic but his message is valid. The worst situation to be in is one of constantly thinking about the negative side of dating/social interaction/life. I think this is a self esteem issue. This is a sensitive subject as people don't enjoy being told that there is something 'wrong' with them, but one people with low self-esteem need to address. Try some self-confidence books, seminars.


A lot of people (mainly wholly confident ones) sneer at the like thinking its a huge con but they are wonderful tools. Try NLP - see the Paul Mckenna site. Just think of it as a gym for the brain. People spend a lot of time on working their bodies out and just neglect their brain. Improve confidence by visulaising yourself as confident and feeling yourself as confident. I digress...


In the realm of the lurverly ladies (without wanting to sound like a Casonova, 'cos I ain't) my best advice is:

- NEVER be obvious that you wanna bang a girl as you'll just come across desperate.

- just TALK to them and appear INTERESTED in what they say; ask questions, if you don't feel you can do the running.

- make her LAUGH. If she finds you funny & laughs she'll feel happy, if she feels happy around you, she'll want to spend time with you.

- if that goes well try complimenting her (hair, dress or just tell her she looks gorgeous). Just as you'd appreciate being told you look fit, girls are absolutely no different!

- If that goes well and by this time you'll know if you're in or not, be a bit touchy-feely (don't cop hold of her babs or owt) just to reinforce you're up for it, the small of the back is always a good one - offer to buy her a drink at the bar and gently usher her there.

- I'd say my last tip is if you get her number or she's up for it that night. Don't go for the first date sex! A lot of guys (my mates included) would strongly disagree with this one - every holes a goal etc, but prolong that first shag a bit (send her saucy texts & compliment her more) it'll be well worth it when it happens!


Apologise for length and girth...and if anyone thinks i'm a total sleaze!

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Agree with both of you on this one. 'Bring' could be more sympathetic but his message is valid. The worst situation to be in is one of constantly thinking about the negative side of dating/social interaction/life. I think this is a self esteem issue. This is a sensitive subject as people don't enjoy being told that there is something 'wrong' with them, but one people with low self-esteem need to address. Try some self-confidence books, seminars.


A lot of people (mainly wholly confident ones) sneer at the like thinking its a huge con but they are wonderful tools. Try NLP - see the Paul Mckenna site. Just think of it as a gym for the brain. People spend a lot of time on working their bodies out and just neglect their brain. Improve confidence by visulaising yourself as confident and feeling yourself as confident. I digress...


In the realm of the lurverly ladies (without wanting to sound like a Casonova, 'cos I ain't) my best advice is:

- NEVER be obvious that you wanna bang a girl as you'll just come across desperate.

- just TALK to them and appear INTERESTED in what they say; ask questions, if you don't feel you can do the running.

- make her LAUGH. If she finds you funny & laughs she'll feel happy, if she feels happy around you, she'll want to spend time with you.

- if that goes well try complimenting her (hair, dress or just tell her she looks gorgeous). Just as you'd appreciate being told you look fit, girls are absolutely no different!

- If that goes well and by this time you'll know if you're in or not, be a bit touchy-feely (don't cop hold of her babs or owt) just to reinforce you're up for it, the small of the back is always a good one - offer to buy her a drink at the bar and gently usher her there.

- I'd say my last tip is if you get her number or she's up for it that night. Don't go for the first date sex! A lot of guys (my mates included would strongly disagree with this one - every holes a goal etc) but prolong that first shag a bit (send her saucy texts & compliment her more) it'll be well worth it when it happens!


Apologise for length and girth...and if anyone thinks i'm a total sleaze!



he's a smoooooooth operator!!!! smooooooooth, operator!

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Im now married so i dont do this now but i always used to go up and say hi to nice guys. However its more flattering for a guy to come over to me but then again i suppose its the same for women to go to men from a guys point of view. Why dont we meet somwhere in the middle like those cheesy chick flicks?



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Am I the only person here who thinks it rather unfair that it is still (in 2006) expected that men must make the first move when meeting a potential partner?


This, I feel, is particulary hard on shy men and those who do not really know what is expected of them. It is much worse being a shy man than a shy woman in my opinion.


Your views please.


you off again slimsid! :rolleyes:


in answer to your question i dont think it is still really expected that a bloke has to make the first move these days. however usually it is a bit of both, you will (or should) pick up on signals before you approach which should take some of the uncertainty out of things such as making eye contact with someone or a smile etc. while you lack confidence so much it is unlikely that a woman would make the first move and approch you anyway, women like confidence in a bloke and someone who knows how to enjoy himself and has a sense of humour - if a bloke is sat on his own in the corner they are not going to attract attention (not for the right reasons anyway)

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yep what he said! ^^


if you dont ask you wont get. besides whats the very worst that can happen - they say no, ooo scary! if you dont try your will never so know may as well just give it a go - only prob being if it works out then you may have to think of other topics to post about! ;)

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