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What's your earliest memory of starting school?


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I was to young to start school but I must have been anoying my mum she just turned around to my brother and said take him to school with you and i was in, i don't know when one started school in 37? i'm pretty sure i wasn't 5

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1949, Western Road Infants, teacher was Mrs Crowson, always a favourite teacher of mine. Apparently I cried till mother was out of sight. Assembly in the hall with Miss Green, headmistress. I utterly loathed the milk in summer when it was aired or downright warm but enjoyed it in the winter when the cream froze and pushed the silver foil tops off. Writing on slates and learning to count using what seemed like the spills used for firelighting, individual ones and "bundles of ten". And going to outside loos. Really was the dark ages wasn't it.

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I started at mansel infants school in 1964 and I can remember the first day like it was yesterday.


My mum took me to school and I remember playing in the sand pit, painting and singing. I even had to walk home on my own.


We had to were short trouser all the time , even in winter and I remember falling through the Ice of a local pond on my way to school one year.


The pond was filled in and lanscaped soon after


I was in Mansel Infants in 1964 or 65, Mrs White was my teacher, she was very nice. The headteacher was Mrs Ashwell.... scary! We had to eat school dinner in silence and not leave anything on the plate or no pudding!! I hated her for that, I actually threw up when she forced me to eat turnips.

First day was a bit traumatic, everyone crying for their mums. I sat next to a boy called David Riley, we cried in unison.... shame!

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I can't remember the first days but I can remember being allowed to take a cup of coffee up the stairs to the headmistress. This was at Hunters Bar infant school. I can remember falling in the playground and cutting my knee which turned septic, I had been climbing on a ladder which had been laid on the ground and I still have the scar. I can also remember that they kept the milk near the radiator pipes and was cross with me because I wouldn't drink it, until my mum went to school and said if I didn't want to drink it I didn't have to. I have never touched milk since, except in tea and coffee.

I moved to Owler Lane infants after that and can remember trying to interpret music by dancing to it. I can still hear the calls to skip, run etc shouted by the other pupils trying to help me.

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!934 went to Southey hall School with my pet tortoise which I'd pinched from the fair ground behind the Southey pub. There was a garden in the middle, a rock garden I think and the tortoise disappeared, I found it about four days later wandering along a path. Some kid had kicked it and broken its shell. I found out who it was 4 years later and gave him a good hiding on the way home, he cried like a baby running home to his mum.

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  • 2 years later...
My first day at broomhill infants 1944/5 and being sick with fright

and then having to lay on the floor till the school nurse came.


l went to Broomhill, the first thing l recall was the big rocking horse,l was crying but soon stopped when l was put on by Miss Watson and it started rocking, do you remember her or had she retired,/ 1929/to 1934 was my time there, l remember the large oval tin of sweets which she gave one to the kid for answering a difficult questionl enjoyed that class.Cheers Arfer Mo

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