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What's your earliest memory of starting school?


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I think it was around 1962, I know I cried & went home but, me mum took me straight back.


easter 1943. miss tate's class at springfield school broomhall.two bunk beds, and two types of mats in the hall,one rush woven the other a softer fabric, a piano, a sand box, a rest period in the hall,one day one kid fell fast asleep

, and a trip around the air raid shelter in the yard as the war was still on.

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Pye Bank School, 1938. Only lived on Fox Street so Schoolboard Hill was no big deal.

I was taken up to the school by my Grandma'. She must've left me in the schoolyard, the top one was infants then', and gone to check me in I suppose. I only missed her when this big woman with glasses took me in this strange building.

Anyhow, I finished up in this classroom with pictures and ABC's all around the walls, everybody sat at big table.

Sat next to a girl called Mavis, who I already knew, and another kid called Roy Parkin, big lad with glasses ( plaster over one lense).


I was at pye bank alot later than you in 55 bet it hadn't changed since you were there, in fact it's not changed since you were there. surprised it's still standing with all the trouble thats gone of round there in the last 20 yrs sure there was nothing going off no violence well not much certainly no wshootings or stabbings that i saw. did see 2 blokes having a bit of a crap outside loco club

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I was at pye bank alot later than you in 55 bet it hadn't changed since you were there, in fact it's not changed since you were there. surprised it's still standing with all the trouble thats gone of round there in the last 20 yrs sure there was nothing going off no violence well not much certainly no wshootings or stabbings that i saw. did see 2 blokes having a bit of a crap outside loco club


Now are we totally sure? :hihi::hihi:

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Five years old - Netherthorpe Primary 1958


My only abiding memory - Mum being allowed to bring me into the classroom and leaving me -so not sure if I blubbed or not


... for some reason I cannot recall I was a few days late starting so all the other kids were 'old hands by then' but knew one or two from playing on the street and backyards- (yes under fives playing out on their own!)


....teacher giving me a slate and chalk!!!.....so no paper and pencil at that time .. and asking if I could write my name - luckily Mum had me doing that long before I started so wasn't lumped in with the 'slow starters'


Can't remember much about that first day - don't know if I stayed to lunch or went home (only few mins walk)- but recall having a break time and being able to buy chocolate fingers, wagon wheels or potato puffs alongside the free milk


Oh...can remember Mum waiting outside school when I finished...also recall the nursery class (three years and up?) having a sleep on camp style beds - didnt go to that cus Mum was at home - only kids whose both parents were working went to nursery I think

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Five years old - Netherthorpe Primary 1958


My memories of that first day, hazy now after 50 odd years - Mum being allowed to bring me into the classroom and leaving me -so not sure if I blubbed or not


... for some reason I cannot recall I was a few days late starting so all the other kids were 'old hands by then' but knew one or two from playing on the street and backyards- (yes under fives playing out on their own!)


....teacher giving me a slate and chalk!!!.....so no paper and pencil at that time .. and asking if I could write my name - luckily Mum had me doing that long before I started so wasn't lumped in with the 'slow starters'


Can't remember much about that first day - don't know if I stayed to lunch or went home (only few mins walk)- but recall having a break time and being able to buy chocolate fingers, wagon wheels or potato puffs alongside the free milk


Oh...can remember Mum waiting outside school when I finished...also recall the nursery class (three years and up?) having a sleep on camp style beds - didnt go to that cus Mum was at home - only kids whose both parents were working went to nursery I think

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Prince Edwards on the Manor, 1957. Reception class with Mrs Newsome. Miss Dearman the school nurse. Outside toilets, drinking fountains in the yard. Not being allowed to wear trousers even in the winter. Mrs Allan and Mrs Ballard the playground supervisors. Lining up in the yard after dinner one behind the other with hands on the shoulders of the one in front, toilet and wash then back to the classroom.

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