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What's your earliest memory of starting school?


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1974 - Mrs Skeehan was the teacher. My Mum was all worried that I would be a cry baby as I was clingy. Quite the opposite. Once the dinner money had been paid I told her she could leave. She was gobsmacked. I loved school. The little wooden draws for each of us with our own picture on. The silvery slippery sand-pit. Thick bright squidgy paints and marvel glue we all put on our hands so we could pick it off. Sitting next to Duncan who I insited on calling Doncan. Singing songs, story-time. Spelling and reading with ITA. I wish I could go back. Happy times.:):):):):)

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Wybourn Infants, being left at the gate was awful. I can still remember that day in 1966 like it was yesterday :( I particularly remember the high black gates leading to the school from Eaton Place


Tha were coming in as I was going out ( Left Wybourn Sec Mod in July 1966 )

But remember my first day being led into the hall told to stand in line next to this tall woman who was called Miss Scot she was to be our teacher for 2 years .


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Just found this thread. Not been on this site for very long. My memory of my first day at school was being dropped off by my mother at St Catherine's Primary School on Andover Street and not realising she had gone home until break time! I remember panicking because I didnt know where she was and then refusing to go back into school after the break. One of the teachers made the huge mistake of picking me up to take me in and I remember struggling with her and trying to kick her whilst screaming at the top of my voice! In the end, they had to get my brother from the Junior School bit (the building just up the stairs) and they eventually managed to get me inside where I sulked for the rest of the day! Mind you, I soon recovered when I discovered Enid Blyton's 'The Faraway Tree' being read by Mrs Farnell who later became my favourite teacher! Ah - sweet memories!


I too went to st catherine's.1956 give or take a few months.reading all these posts, a lot of the memories are the same.I do remember running up that steep hill, with my friend veronica. walking to a hall to have our school meal, and not being able to leave anything on your plate, because there was babies starving in the world.then the story book enid blyton, far away tree.

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Everybody crying but me - I was glad to be in school as all my friends had already started and I had nobody to play with at home.

Being given a threepenny bit every day for an ice cream after school.

Being able to buy penny carrots, apples and yesterday's doughnuts at the Forum shops.

Longley school 1960s

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  • 3 months later...

1st day at StMary's Walkley - scary teacher I think her name was Miss Lucas, and she was about 50. Playing in the sand pit, and the school dinners were rank:gag: Remember the school didn't have a kitchen so the meals came in big metal containers from another school. By the time we got to eat them they were only just warm:gag:. Dont know how long they had been standing about but I feel there would be some food hygiene issues nowadays. Can remember being made by the dinner lady to eat my lunch even though I didn't like it. It was liver:gag: lumpy mashed potato and peas. This would be child cruelty now!!

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I remember it like it was yesterday, It was 1953, Hillfoot Infant School, I was

five years old, as a nipper my mother would take me everywhere with her, so

this particular Monday morning of we trot, going out for the day, so I thought,

so you can imagine my shock when we turn up at this foreboding building, we

go inside and my mother takes me to this strange women, then she says good-

bye and starts to leave, well panic took over, I ran and flung my arms around

my mothers neck, clung on for grim death. The teacher had to prise me of her,

so that she could leave, it still keeps popping into my head now and again, not

very nice thing to do to a 5 year old boy. :(

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