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What's your earliest memory of starting school?


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1944. First day at Broomhill Nursery School aged two. All the other kids looked so much bigger and older than me and I was frightened. Cried when my mum left me there and then decided to run down the street after her. I can remember wondering why nobody tried to stop me.

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I got punched within about two minutes of standing around on the playground by this boy called Pete Wilson who said 'oi, I like you, you are going to be my best friend'... and we were for the whole reception year until I learnt the primary school rule that boys are the enemy!


I also remember being very frustrated by the Peter and Jane books I was given to read as I could read aged 2 and a bit (I have me reading on tape!) and had read them all already. I asked the teacher if she had Enid Blyton secret seven or famous five.


I also got into big trouble with the same teacher as she wrote 'Our catarpillars are orange and short(or something like that).' on the board and I wrote Our caterpillars are small and furry and I think they made me itch (or something to that effect.) When she said, "You haven't copied what is on the board",

I retorted, "Well, you can't spell caterpillar", (I'd been a big fan of Eric Carle's work for some time.)


My gran was brought up to school within the week to discuss her 'difficult granddaughter' and who on earth had taught a four year old to write in italics!

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As a 5 year old, I started at Lydgate Lane, Crosspool in 1947. First day I smiled at a little girl but she didnt smile back so I punched her. Mrs Marsh made me sit in the corner on my own in disgrace for the rest of the morning. I cried till I made myself sick. Never hit a woman since, mind.

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Carfield Juniors, 1964 or 5. I remember worrying that everyone knew what they were doing and I wondered how. I'd never seen a jigsaw before and there were lots of them scattered around and people were busy with them. I was scared of all the smells - wooden floors, wax crayons, pencils, smelly children, and school dinners, and of the boys who were obviously hardcases even that young.

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Earliest memory of your old infant school;


Scary on the first day, it was the old Infant shcool in Handsworth which is now closed.


Wooden floors

Plastic coloured plates at dinner

watery custard in big pot jugs

milk at break time Sometimes gone sour in the summer heat

outside toilets Yuk!

Jam jars with watery paint in them at art lesson


Anyway i have started the ball rolling. Did anyne else go to that school.?


I went to Handsworth infant school, it would have been about 1974/5-ish.


I can remember all the things you mentioned, specially the wooden floors and the coloured plates! I also remember one of the teachers accidently dripping vinegar into my eye one dinner time!! That wasn't very nice...


My grandad also went to this school, he'll be 81 in two weeks!!

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