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Party Bus anyone?


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I'm resident dj and promoter for the Boiler Rooms in Doncaster and I have a question for you.

I'm guessing that you must get pretty bored of going out round the same town week in week out so here's the thing...

I put a night on called Deep Dark n Dirty @ The Boiler Rooms in Doncaster.

It's a night for Filthy House, a night for Misbehaving, NOT a night for the faint hearted... I play along side Nick Parco (KGV) and Andy Spoff (Federation) with live projection visuals and lazers and our Deep Dark n Dirty Dancers are, well, Deep Dark n Dirty...

If I put a party bus on from Sheffield Town centre leaving at 2200 getting in to Dony for 2230ish and leaving The Boiler Rooms at 0300 ariving back at Sheffield for around 0330 for £10 including free entry would you be interested?

I could also do the same for my Funky House night every Saturday? Sounds like a bargain to me and an easy option for a night out somewhere different.

This is a serious offer so please only constructive critisism would be appreciated.

Maybe you're a gorgeous outgoing guy/girl that knows Sheffield and it's clubbers and would like a fun part time job selling the tickets and looking after people on the bus? If so get in touch.

It's over to you.... Come on.. Give me your thoughts.....


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Nice idea, but tbh I doubt you'll get many people interested in travelling to Donny to stay in the same club all night and have to wait for a bus home when there are much better nights with bigger name DJ's for cheaper already going on in Sheffield. Nice try tho. :thumbsup:

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