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Anyone go to Hartley brook school?

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I recall the name but putting a face to it is a challenge. Although I lived further up Attercliffe Rd towards Banners, I used to spend a lot of time down towards Newhall Rd

chasing girls down there !


Don't forget to keep watching the Forum to see when the next get together is at the Liberal Club. I am hoping a lot of Hartley Brookers will attend the next one.

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Sure will Glenn, I went to a Newhall re-union at Shiregreen Club some time back and it was ok, the only trouble was no one was wearing name tags which would have been useful for identification. There were probably more people there that I knew, than what I was aware of because of this. Hope there is another anyway, and would attend if possible.

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If there is ever another one then maybe the idea will hopefully be suggested again. It would help a lot. Peoples memories (mine especially) of faces have been somewhat dulled by the passing of time. I will certainly be keeping an eye out for any re-unions.

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Hello johnb60, I remember you in my year, good to hear from you and enjoy your retirement, as I am doing! Doesn't life fly by.


I also remember you, Keith (Nicklin) and wish you all the best. Have there been any HB re-unions? Funnily enough, I was looking at some old "clock tower" school magazines recently - great nostalgia!

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Hi Glenn I didn't know you, but my sister knew your sister Michelle - we haven't heard from her in years, how is she? still in Majorca?


All the posts seem to be from men - sorry - boys! where are all the old 'girls' -my year was Rita Bell, Gillian Millns, the twins, Jaqualine S, Glenna J. boys were Steve Grayson I know he isnt with us now, Dennis Hukin, Harry S.


Sorry but didn't know anything about the reunion earlier this year.


Come on girls get writing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

yes Michele is still in Majorca, very Spanish ! To kids both fully bi-lingual !


What is your name and what years were you at HB ? Did you know Kathleen Hickey ? From Brightside, had a sister Christine.

I hear she is not too well and I wanted to get in touch with her to see how she is ?

The reunion earlier this year was more of an Attercliffe reunion but there were a few Hartley Brookers there. Did you know Sandra Stevens or Jane McCormick ? They were both there.

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