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Anyone go to Hartley brook school?

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Just looked at some of the old HB posts, did know know that HB had a song ! Also did not know that Mr. Southerd has passed on, he was a good man and a good teacher.


Also for re-reunions, try the Attercliffe Liberal Club they have an annual reunion and a few Hartley Brookers attend. The date usually comes on the Forum


Hey E5006368, I knew Brian Steers and used to play football with him. Where is he now and do you know how he is doing ? What is your name ?


One final thing, if you go back to the school. The Brook itself is in terrible condition, badly overgrown, covered in weeds and bushes. Neglected for a long time, the Council needs to get it cleaned up !

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  • 3 weeks later...
yes Michele is still in Majorca, very Spanish ! To kids both fully bi-lingual !


What is your name and what years were you at HB ? Did you know Kathleen Hickey ? From Brightside, had a sister Christine.

I hear she is not too well and I wanted to get in touch with her to see how she is ?

The reunion earlier this year was more of an Attercliffe reunion but there were a few Hartley Brookers there. Did you know Sandra Stevens or Jane McCormick ? They were both there.




Late reply but only just found this searching for something else. Kathleen is my Mam, just spoken to her and she does remember you. Sure Auntie Chris will as well.

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Hey Lushcat:


pleased to see your reply, and hope Kathleen is OK, and Christine.

I have been in touch with Elvin Smith and he told me of the passing of Christine Smith, and I heard about some others that Kathleen and Christine will know.


If you give me your email (and name) I will email you directly. I am at glennepickard@hotmail.com


I live in the US now so its a challenge to keep up with how everyone is doing ! I maintain contact through the Sheffield Forum with a few people which is a good way to do it.


Also I try to get over for a "Reunion" which they try to do annually, at the Attercliffe Liberal Club, which is opposite the old Adelphi. Have you heard about it ? Last time I went there in March 2015, there were 7 Hartley Brookers there I know, and most people were from Attercliffe or Brightside. Total of about 80.


Please give my best regards to Kathleen and Christine and I will look forward to hearing from you !

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone have any old photos of the football cricket &rugby teams at hartley brook school, 1953_1954, i played in all teams being captain at time of football team, also in team were micheal thynne, jimmy stothard, herbert hurt, alan robinson, they came up from attercliffe, dennis peters. Colin tunnicliffe, brian thompson & myself billie justice, rugby was our best sport, team included peter shaw he was captain alwyn (plough) bates, melvyn cotterille, alf lucas, myself, wilf horner, brian thompson and others, all lads & lasses from attercliffe were good at sports, i lost all my photos when moved home, that year i think we won the luther milner shield for rugby beating coleridge road we had to play both the semi final against whitby road then the final in same afternoon, sadly i heard plough bates had past away couple year ago, he was a big lad and good at rugby, i wonder if anyone knows how he became known as (plough) i do wonder if anyone else remembers bill

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  • 2 years later...
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  • 5 months later...
On 20/04/2008 at 23:29, sammyc said:

I was there in the 70's also had Mr Booth he was my favourite teacher.


Mr Trevethic taught me how to play chess and cross country running. I remember playing rounders no-one here in New Zealand has ever heard of that game.


Remember the youth club out the back of the dinner room.


I lived across the road from the school and if i was sick could here Mr Kay shouting from there. Didn't know Mr Booth was the head for a while.


What was the name of the teacher who had the american convertable that we would all pile in to go to netball games?




Just found this forum, Sam I remember you - we went to London with your parents on a coach.



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  • 1 year later...

Bob (bugsy) Megson I played with Dennis Topham , John Curtain, Terry Morgan, and rest of names you mentioned, good rugby team, 

great times then.

 Brian Steers lived round the corner from me.

At present living in a village called Pontnewydd South Wales.

I am 73 in August , playing golf 3 times a week,  life is very good at present. 

It is pity i do not have any photos from back then. 

My younger brother Stuart megson died a few weeks back he also went to Hartley Brook. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 7 months later...
On 08/03/2008 at 14:12, yesugei said:


I was there 1944-1950, Mr. Jackson was our last teacher, he also had a car, I thought he was the best thing since sliced bread, except we didn't have sliced bread then. Do you remember Miss Heaton? Mr Bloxham?. I also remember "OLD AKKO" giving me the cane, I probably deserved it but she wouldn't get away with it these days.

I was there from 1950 to 1956.  Mrs Fletcher was the reception class teacher and Miss Scotford taught the next class.  I was in Mr Bloxham's class in J1.  I remember interesting history and geography lessons in his class and he had a swordfish sword in his cupboard.  My next teacher was Mrs Davis, who was dull and silly,  and after that I was in Miss Blatchford's class for 2 years.   She could be very frightening when she became angry. 


Miss Wragg became head after Miss Atkinson retired.  She explained the deriviation of the name and the way it was depicted on the new lectern for the stage.   She used to explain the meaning of hymns in assembly.  And I remember two dreadful occasions when she had to tell us that children had died.   One was a boy who climbed an electricity pylon and was electrocuted, and the other had been jumping on the back of a lorry and had fallen off and been dragged along.  I was only 5 or 6, but I remember the horror of those tragedies.


My sister left the summer after I had started at Easter.  She was taught by Mr Jackson that year, and I think by Mr Kettlewell the year before.  I think they used two huts at the side of the playground as classrooms.

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