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Reverse Parking - help please!

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I've been driving for about 9 years or something and only just got to the point where I can't avoid having to reverse (parallel) park.


Nine years, without parallel parking:o (must be a woman thing:hihi:).


I quite enjoy reversing (IIRC it's the only time you're allowed to drive whilst not wearing a seatbelt?):thumbsup:



Practise, Practise,
















Makes perfect.


Nope. Practise makes us American:thumbsup:.


Practice makes perfect (perfect what['s], I don't know):D

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Nine years, without parallel parking:o (must be a woman thing:hihi:).


I quite enjoy reversing (IIRC it's the only time you're allowed to drive whilst not wearing a seatbelt?):thumbsup:





Nope. Practise makes us American:thumbsup:.


Practice makes perfect (perfect what['s], I don't know):D

Sod that for a lark! I spent too much time in the company of septics!:D

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Im not having a pop here, its a serious question.


How did you pass your test if you cant reverse park?

I assume you CAN reverse park, or you wouldnt have passed, you just have a fear about it.


I didn't have to do it in my test - you were only required to do 2 out of the 3 manouvres (sp?) and I was asked to do 3 point turn and reversing around a corner.


I may not have passed if I'd been asked to do it.

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:( Its something all drivers should be able to do.


Its no different from reversing round a corner though, all your doing is manovering backwards, whether your avoiding a curb or a parked car, its all the same really.


As mentioned before, get some cones and find an empty car park and practice.

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As a qualified driving instructor I find it appalling how many people can't parallel park purely because there's little emphasis placed on it during many driving lessons/tests.


PM me I'm sure I can help.

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As a qualified driving instructor I find it appalling how many people can't parallel park purely because there's little emphasis placed on it during many driving lessons/tests.


PM me I'm sure I can help.



I find it appauling how many people on the road just cant drive!!

Every day i drive i see some kind of utter stupidity.

It annoys me as one of my cars i spent weeks block sanding and painting so every panels like a mirror, but people just drive into it.

My other cars ancient and people just pull out in front of it not realising my brakes were designed 30 years ago and the wings are £1000 each!!

Driving tests should be harder/stricter.


Anyway, back to reverse parking. Maybe the best idea would be to get an instructor to teach you the proper way, experienced drivers get lazy and find ways that suit them, so its usually not the beat way to learn.

Im sure with one hour long lesson you could be taught, then just practice.

Its nothing to be scared of.

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Buy one of


... and while you are at it, treat yourself to one of THESE as well. :)



Oh my word, that it a genius bit of kit!


But I want to be all smug like Mr I Can Get Into Any Space Just Using My Wing Mirrors earlier up the thread :D


Any more driving instructors willing to divulge their practise spots?


Thanks for your help so far guys and for not totally ripping into me (sccux: it's not a woman thing, it's a stupid me thing!).

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