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Old shops in town

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was'nt that the gaumont once saw desmond decker there before saturday matinee :cool:


Was it the Odeon, the cinema the earlier poster was seeking? That was opposite the GPO but there may have been another on Arundle Gate? The Gaumont was in Barker's Pool near where the Early Learning Shop is, just below Cross Burgess Street.

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Originally Posted by Mark H

There used to be a cinema above Pond Street (below where Roxy's used to be). Any help in the name? Been there a few times!!!


Mark - there were two under the Fiesta. The Penthouse and The Cinecentre, later renamed Cannon 1 & 2. When they were Penthouse and Cinecenter they showed 'soft porn' films of the day. They are now incorporated into The Odeon complex.

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As a teenager I used to shop at Winston's, over the objections of my parents who didn't approve of their wares. They had a point. I used to buy black "drainpipe" trousers there with 14 inch cuffs. Teddy boy style. I don't know where they used to get their fabric from but the seats and knees of the trousers used to wear through in a few months. So I'd have to disagree with Anthony in describing the outfit as "classy," but it did cater to the fashions of the day and wasn't short of clientele. Anyone remember those luminous pink and green ankle socks they used to sell? I tried wearing them with my school uniform and well remember one teacher stopping in mid sentence to tell the class he'd have to put his sunglasses on bcause my socks were dazzling him. The school forbad me and others from wearing them.

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THE HI-FI shop was called curtises.


I went to school with their son Michael Curtis in the 1950's - Nether Edge Grammar. He was in the year above me, which would make him about 69 now. For some reason, which eludes me, he was known as Turf Curtis.

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Does anyone remember the name of the place that sold schooners of sherry from big wooden barrels?

It was on the street that ran from the Town Hall down to the Fiesta,sorry can't remember the name.


Was that Hays, on the right-hand side going down Norfolk Street?

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I remember going to Hornes cafe on the corner of kins st,next to C&A most saturday lunchtimes before we caught the bus to hillsborough to watch the Owls.(in the day when Jack Charlton was the manager,Bob Bolder was in goal and we had terry curran..DON'T get me started on this one-Thats for another thread.

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