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Old shops in town

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I've mentioned this before somewhere else, and I can't remember where , but back in the mid 50's an acquaintance of mine told me he was earning a fortune on the 'smudge'. That was working as a street photographer, taking pictures of anybody walking down town. Usually the technique was to pretend to take a picture, hand the subject a reciept to claim the picture, and if it was accepted to really take a picture. I thought to myself I'd have a taste of this, being in need of funds at the time.

I went to an address, I think it was on Eyre St, and had an interview with someone called Frank. He proposed I hire a camera off him and tour around Sheffield, knocking on doors and taking pictures of kids, pretending to be a representative of a National Competition for Britain's cutest children.

I declined the offer.

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I recall that, when I was at Nether Edge Grammar in the early to mid '50's, There was a former chapel next door on Union Road which was occupied by Sheffield Photo Finishers. Weren't they related to Sheffield Photo Company?



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Blimey Puffin4, that rang a bell or two. I can remember that place. I went there for a job too. They would take negatives from sources all over Sheffield for development. They had this big tank of acid with negs revolving slowly around and around. Didn't fancy it at all.

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Does anyone remember the big gap near the bottom of the Moor (presumably bomb damage) At the rear of the open space were some shops that may have been prefabs, one was a tailor Isidore Newman, can`t recall any others.


Is that the old bombsite where every Christmas they used to fill with fir trees & make Santa's Forest? Only went in the once as a treat 'cos I seem to remember it was quite pricey. They'd rigged up a stream running through it & Santa was in his log cabin (garden shed!). Please don't tell me I dreamed this 'cos I thought it was magical at the time. (That would have been late 60's / early 70's

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I can remember when Rackhams was Walsh's - a really posh shop.


Redgates- a fantastic toy shop just off the Moor.


Pauldens which became Debenhams.


Roberts - also down the Moor.


Cockaynes - where Argos stands now.


Sheffield used to be a much classier place. Now it looks just like any other city centre with shop afte shop just looking like those found in any other place.


HI Mo are you a full Mo Cos' l am Arfer Mo Excuse the pun l coudn't resist it, anyway you mentioned Cockaynes l went to work there Oct 1937 as an apprentice cabinet maker and l will be talking about that in another thread, Cheers arfer mo

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Ever get the feeling you know you were there but it passed you by.

I remember Santa's forest at Christmas and some lights all the way down the moor on the Bomb sights, can't remember if they were also for Christmas or not but i know one was for the Boys brigade..

The round about at the moor foot at what was called little Sheffield where Ecclesall road met London road..

The place you went for Chest X-rays on Ellin street, the Pump tavern..

But for some reason I have a total blank with those shops..

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