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Do you squash creepy crawlies?

What would you do if you saw an insect in your house?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you do if you saw an insect in your house?

    • Squash it / Drown it
    • Leave it alone
    • Scream and let someone deal with it
    • Capture it and let it go free outside
    • Combination of the above depending on what it was/mood I'm in
    • Other

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I capture the insect in question and release it from a window. I don't believe in killing things, even insects, intentionally. The only exception would be a noisy blue bottle keeping me awake and if it was impossible to catch, I'd have to practice my baseball skills.

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I picked:


Combination of the above depending on what it was/mood I'm in, I usually just leave it, or move it elsewhere...


But sometimes I kill stuff, like a big fly or something

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I don't kill any insects, I scoop them up and then release them. There is a place and reason for all living creatures on this earth. OK so I admit that I'm having difficulty finding the reasons for slugs and snakes but I'm thinking :D

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I have been known to hit snails with a hammer. :o I did so once at head height and got a face full of juice...yes it probably served me right! Pretty instant and humane tho'

Wasps have a 50/50 chance of survival early in the year, late summer I squash the vicious so and so's.

I am not all bad tho' folks, I revive dozens of dying bumble bees with honey every year. They work so hard that their energy reserves just plummet sometimes (particularly if it's cold)


Seems to me that only vegans should have a conscience on this matter

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The only ban we have is on slugs and ants. We put slug pellets down, but individuals are escorted out, ants get poison too, but there isn't a great deal of point squashing an ant, or releasing it outside.


The way I see it is if you encourage and save spiders at every opportunity you will have less creepy crawlies in general, and a reduced amount of needless squashing.


Every bug you squash is noted on the cosmic register.


You really want a combination of funnel web and orb spiders to deal with all pesky bugs that crawl and fly respectively.


Wasps, flies,bees, ladybirds and grasshoppers all get ushered outside. Mosquitoes, greenfly, aphids, mealybugs, silverfish, fleas


Cold, wet or starving wasps and bees get taken inside and fed honey - and then frequently you find that once they have dried out and got their energy back up, they will fly off and come back later to see if there is any more free food to be had. Bumblebees especially.


I once spent a lovely summers evening feeding minute fragments of chicken to a very friendly wasp.


She must have returned to the same spot on the plate eight or nine times to dutifully receive another pinhead chicken morsel, which she would pick up in her jaws and carry off home or whereever.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

I once spent a lovely summers evening feeding minute fragments of chicken to a very friendly wasp.

By any chance were you drinking copious amounts of alcohol and inhaling deeply from a particularly large spliff that summer evening? :D


Personally, it depend on what mood I'm in. I was once stung by a wasp (I sat on it) and chased it around the room until I finally managed to get my squishy revenge. I left it stuck on the telly, entrails exposed, for two weeks as a warning to others!

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