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Do you squash creepy crawlies?

What would you do if you saw an insect in your house?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you do if you saw an insect in your house?

    • Squash it / Drown it
    • Leave it alone
    • Scream and let someone deal with it
    • Capture it and let it go free outside
    • Combination of the above depending on what it was/mood I'm in
    • Other

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Originally posted by Zamo

By any chance were you drinking copious amounts of alcohol and inhaling deeply from a particularly large spliff that summer evening? :D


Personally, it depend on what mood I'm in. I was once stung by a wasp (I sat on it) and chased it around the room until I finally managed to get my squishy revenge. I left it stuck on the telly, entrails exposed, for two weeks as a warning to others!


Just a glass or two of wine. With wasps I think you have to pick your moment. This was in the evening, so quite cool - and the wasp was quite docile. Also fed it chicken (I was very surprised it ate chicken) rather than sugar, so the wasp didn't start up with ADHD type stinging fit.


Wasps are cool animals, you just have to understand them a little better and accord them the respect they deserve.

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hate spiders, get my bloke (who also thinks theyre ukky) to get it in a glass and then flush it down the toliet, we must get atleast 5 a day in the house its disgusting. i love snakes tho and other creepy crawlies, just not evil spiders lol.

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Originally posted by evildrneil

I'm another non bug squisher! I dont want the karmic retribution of being stopmed on by giant psychic insects from outer space - you know it could happen!!!

You worry me sometimes Neil... :P


Much the same though... only exceptions being slugs inside the house and mosquitoes... for the latter I have NO mercy at all.. :mad:

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All bees and some wasps get swished back out of the window, or picked up and put back out by someone else. Though if i am alone i will squish the occasional wasp if i am feeling brave.

Spiders i don't mind they get to be playthings for the cats who are not bright enough to catch them, and Egor runs too fast and is too scary for them. Apart from ones in the bedroom, they get escorted out.

Slugs, i kill them at any oppotunity. What is the point in them, they eat my garden and occasionally creep into the house. Smily horrid things. I have to say i am quite viscious with them, late night culls occur in the garden. Plastic bag with salt in, collect them, tie it up, shake them up and down.

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i used to sqwash them but i sort of empathise with them....how would i like to be sqwashed & killed by a giant just because they dont like the look of me?


i dont really like creepy crawlies, if there is a spider stuck in the bath in the morning, i will put a piece of toilet roll over the side so it can climb out & its normally gone by the time i get home.


if there is a flying stinging insect (like wasp) flying round me i just stay still & if there is one stuck in the window i get our small fish net to catch it an let it out side.

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i dont really kill them that much, buti do find satisfaction in sicking the kettle on and pouring it down the ant hill on our path, also used to play wasp attack, where you sood next to a bin, banged on it, waited for the wasp to come out, then try and get it with a bottle and not get stung. i wa like lightning

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Why do people get scared of spiders and things? The other morning my colleague at work was screaming :help: I rushed upstairs thinking someone was being murdered when in fact there was the tiniest spider on her desk.


I put it outside on the fire escape, but why get so worked up about a tiny thing? :huh:

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

The only ban we have is on slugs and ants. We put slug pellets down, but individuals are escorted out


haha i like that description! come on Mr Slug, you've no reason being in here have you, if you'd like to accompany me to the back door :D

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Originally posted by Andy

Why do people get scared of spiders and things? The other morning my colleague at work was screaming :help: I rushed upstairs thinking someone was being murdered when in fact there was the tiniest spider on her desk.


I put it outside on the fire escape, but why get so worked up about a tiny thing? :huh:


I just dont like them looking at me. I dont scream but I do remember sitting in a bath for two hours because a spider was staring at me and playing games with me by running backwards and forwards over the door handle. In the two hours I sat watching him play his menacing game I had named him Damien and had become quite attached to his fun personality-still didnt stop me squashing him with the door when I made a runner.

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