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German Plane Crash?


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This is a very good suggestion.


I don't recall any trams in the square itself; however, there were half a dozen tram wrecks along the main line, between the C&A building and the Marples Hotel. You will remember that both these buildings had been totally destroyed in the bombing. May be it was the roof from one of these wrecks.



The C and A building took a direct hit, but it was the fires from the burning trams that lit up Walshes. Its believed the German Bombers were able to target the city centre from the sparks coming from the tram wires as they moved into the city. Hence so many trams hit. I can remember coming into town with my Mom from Tinsley the following day and seeing a bus upended and lying up againt Tommy William Wars building.
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I have an old map of Sheffield reputed to have been removed from a crashed German plane that took part in the Sheffield Blitz. The map is a German version ordnance survey. Does anyone know if any planes or plane did actually crash after the raids?

I was once hitch hiking back from the Alps, I got a lift with a german, he asked me where I lived, I told him Sheffield.

" Ah yes, Sheffield, you fly up the Humber, take a left on the Don and there is Sheffield"

He had bombed it in the war,l we had a laugh.

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point taken, but the blast may well have blown the tram roof that far...?


(dependent, of course, on the position of the bombs/ explosions, relative to the tram roof in question...


it could have been blown off by one blast, then carried along the road by a second or subsequent blasts..)




Blast did some very strange things. Remember the bomb that dropped in the Wicker, blew a tram off the tracks, sliced the top deck from the bottom and then just dropped it along side the other part. Most books on the Blitz, particularly Mary Walton's, have a picture of this.


The other thing I remember is being shown a picture - it must have been in the Telegraph or the Star - of a window at a local pub after the raids. A beer bottle had gone straight through a pane with the blast but the glass hadn't shattered. There was just this round hole. Amazing.



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I was once hitch hiking back from the Alps, I got a lift with a german, he asked me where I lived, I told him Sheffield.

" Ah yes, Sheffield, you fly up the Humber, take a left on the Don and there is Sheffield"

He had bombed it in the war,l we had a laugh.


There was the famous occasion some years ago when the Lord Mayor was entertaining some official visitors from Germany. one of them asked him if he had ever been to Hamburg, and he replied "Oh yes, in a Lancaster bomber in 1944". (Unlike Sheffield, Hamburg was virtually flattened to the ground by the bombing.)

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Hello Algy. Do you have any info on the Flying Bombs, V1 that fell in the Sheffield area. I know of one that came down in Beighton and another that blasted a hole in the peat bog on Margery Hill above Derwent. A friend of mine says that one fell in Grenoside Woods, and left a large crater but I haven't found any mention of it anywhere.

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As far as I recall, the first time the V1's came anywhere near sheffield was on a Saturday night in December 1944. Our family had been out for the evening and arrived home shortly after 10 pm. We hadn't been in the house very long when the sirens went.


This was a suprise as the sirens hadn't been heard for months. My father went off on his Warden rounds and my mother and I stood in the yard before moving towards the shelter. It was a beautiful clear night, very still and quiet.


Then we heard what sounded like a very bad two-stroke motor cycle coming from somewhere. As we looked up, a plane came over our us with flame coming out of the back. It took a few seconds to realize what it was but before I began to moved away, I was knocked to the ground from behind. My mother was also pushed down.


Unknown to us, my father had just returned to the yard with a local police officer. They both realized the danger my mother and I were in: the policeman flattened me while my father pushed down my mother.


The V1 was very low and the officer thought that it would probably crash somewhere on high ground north of the city. That is if it didn't run out of fuel first. Not sure where this one landed. Some V1's in the same raid came over the Sheffield area but one got as far as the Huddersfield area before crashing.


Can't remember any other V1 raids. A monthor so later, the Nazis changed tactics and started blanketing the London area with the deadly V2's.



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