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German Plane Crash?


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about the Blitze and the damaged tram cars in the Square,Marples opposite the C and A suffered a direct hit. When the site was cleared,for a few years afterwards,there were always flowers left on the ground to commerate the lives lost in Marples I think it was 70 souls I was under Redgates shop at the Moorhead To see the Moor on fire from end to end was sight to remember The warning went at7-15in the evening and the all clear st 4 -0 am A night to remember indeed Milted

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Thanks Aircrashes. On another note, I recently walked to the Stirling wreck on Upper Commons, the third time, only to find that all the big lumps had been removed. I later found out they had been lifted off the moor by a Chinook to help with something called the Sterling Project. I enjoy walking to these old aircraft wrecks and am really annoyed that some outfit can come along and help themselves to an interesting part of the Peak District. Would you know who owns these remains if anyone?

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I'd be very grateful if I could use your experience in my Peakland Air Crashes series. Also I'd welcome anything else you've subsequently thought of. (personally, when V1s or anything else came over I was always cowering in the shelter with my fingers stuck in my ears.) In case I can't find my way back to this site on the forum, my email address is patrick@cunninghampatrick.wanadoo.co.uk





I sent a few more details on V1 experience to the above e-mail address on Aug 27. Did you receive it?



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I sent a few more details on V1 experience to the above e-mail address on Aug 27. Did you receive it?



Sorry, it's now 30th and nothing came through. I've double-checked the address. When you do get through, I'd be grateful for your name: at present I've tentatively written in, 'Mr Falls, of Ontario...'

Looking forward to seeing the other details.

Pat Cunningham

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Sorry, it's now 30th and nothing came through. I've double-checked the address. When you do get through, I'd be grateful for your name: at present I've tentatively written in, 'Mr Falls, of Ontario...'

Looking forward to seeing the other details.

Pat Cunningham




Message re-sent Aug 30. I used the e-link you gave me. Is this stilll OK?


Don't think problem is at this end but could be wrong. In last few days, have sent and received messages from UK, OZ, Iran and Thailand so ISP seems to be working OK.


We are running out of time. I will be away from this base in the next week or so and don't expect to be back until the new year. Therefore, won't be in contact with the Forum for a while and will be switching to a new e-mail address that I don't know as yet.



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Further to the V1 rocket that arrived in the Beighton area in 1944. I mentioned the occurence to a friend of mine and she remembers it well. It seems it landed somewhere in an area to the South of Beighton. She went to the site, apparently, via a School Road, onto an area known as the 'sandfields', and it was just beyond that. I'm quoting this verbatim. I think that the 'sandfields' was a local colloquialism. Halfway and Holbrook came into the converation also, which is going that way.

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Message re-sent Aug 30. I used the e-link you gave me. Is this stilll OK?


Don't think problem is at this end but could be wrong. In last few days, have sent and received messages from UK, OZ, Iran and Thailand so ISP seems to be working OK.


We are running out of time. I will be away from this base in the next week or so and don't expect to be back until the new year. Therefore, won't be in contact with the Forum for a while and will be switching to a new e-mail address that I don't know as yet.



Sorry, the email address is correct. But 13 Clare House, Lime Avenue, Derby DE1 1TU UK will connect for your name and the area you used to live in. Even so, all the best anyway in your journeyings. Pat Cunningham

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Further to the V1 rocket that arrived in the Beighton area in 1944. I mentioned the occurence to a friend of mine and she remembers it well. It seems it landed somewhere in an area to the South of Beighton. She went to the site, apparently, via a School Road, onto an area known as the 'sandfields', and it was just beyond that. I'm quoting this verbatim. I think that the 'sandfields' was a local colloquialism. Halfway and Holbrook came into the converation also, which is going that way.

Very helpful, many thanks. So someone in the area will still know where School Road was, and 'sandpits'. And the general area is Halfway and Holbrook. Well worth another visit. (And, of course, V1 pulse-jet pilotless aircraft, and V2 rocket ...)

Pat Cunningham

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