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Speed Dating - Whats is like ? What are the rules?


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Has anyone been to one of these events? and what was their experience?


I know that events take place at Vodka Revolution, but how does someone take part ? is it turn up and pay on door?


I'm interested in giving it a go, however I've been told people with Ginger hair have a low success rate, is that true?

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I think you have to be ugly and desperate... those are the only rules... hahaha


Very constructive, now go away moron.....I'm interested too to see what people who have have been think. I for one have been single for a few months now after a 5 year relationship, and what with work and the fact all my friends are now married/paired off meeting single ladies is very hard.


Just dubious that you can get a proper opinion of someone in a few minutes. Plus one of my questions would have to be "are you a single mum" which might get a few backs up!! (I don't like kids so it's a bit of a no-no).

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This is the reason why you are single... Nobody living on planet earth 2006 would say that...


:rolleyes: How to make friends and influence people huh?


I speed dated a couple of times but I used to be a member of Dating Direct and went to their organised dating events - big parties basically with food etc... and they had a speed dating area...It was good fun but I found the internet dating thing to be more successful generally than the speed dating...which gets a bit monotonous after the first few people - it can also be a bit demoralising ticking someone and getting a cross back etc...it's all so so based on first impressions...i dunno. I'd say give it a go - everyone there is in exactly the same boat as you and hoping to meet someone so brush your hair, smile alot and wear nice shoes!


I remember chatting to this one bloke who I quite faniced and he asked me what I thought of the event and being a bit giddy I said it was ok, but the food ran out really quickly, the music was a bit pants and the free punch was minging...he sort of smiled and I asked him what he did for a living and he said he was the managing director of dating direct - i was a bit embarrased to be honest...another bloke me and my friend fell out over cos we both ticked him....all fun and games!


I have so many funny internet dating stories - really fun year of my life that I don't regret at all and whilst I didn't meet my lovely boyfriend that way I would recommend it to anyone....good luck!

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I only ever went Speed Dating once. That was at Vodka Revulation. I did get quite a few ticks from varous ladies, but sadly nothing ever came of it.


It is a good night out. It's certinally something different that's for sure. It is based on first impressions but every is always really chatty because they've had a few beforehand to calm the nerves.


At the end of the day you have nothing to lose.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went speed dating a couple of years ago and thought it was quite entertaining. I'm the chatty sort so I wasn't nervous at all. Some of the men were older than the age bracket advertised (some by a good 7 years) which wasn't too much of a problem, however there was an air of desperation amongst some.


Most were completely normal, nice guys but unfortunately not fanciable. Some were of the desperate sort with one man admitted he had been about 30 times. I asked him very innocently :hihi: if he had much luck to which he replied in a Mr Bean voice "I've had loads of friendship ticks, but that not really what we are here for is it?" ;) The remaining few were Disney tie wearing, 4ft 9, odd balls. One man sat down gave no eye contact and said in a very dry, dead pan voice:


"Hi, my name is John I'm 39(?) never been married, don't have children, I like cats.....fire away" hmmm over to me to fill the next 2.5 mins then :rolleyes:


(I got ticked by all men so that probably tells you a bit about the quality :huh: )


One of the nice bars should organise a singles night once a month. None of this £20 a head rubbish. A couple of quid on the door would be adequate. Once you are inside then it's a free for all. If you fancy someone, go and say hi. A singles night takes the 'he probably has a girlfriend element out of it'.

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