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Martial artists... what do you eat...


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Lol. Thats a relief, no need to join the AA just yet then!! ;-) Any idea how many units you consume a week?


I'd have to average it over a month as some weeks I don't drink at all, and other weeks I go out on a saturday night.


Average of probably about 8 units.

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Lot healthier and less expensive.



Red Wine Health

Numerous studies have suggested that moderate alcohol drinking helps to reduce the likelihood of heart disease.


The so-called "Mediterranean diet", which includes a larger intake of wine, has been credited with lower rates of heart disease in those countries, despite a higher intake of saturated fats.


Beer is healthy

Beer may be as good for your health as red wine and green tea, damping down the arterial inflammation that leads to heart disease. It might even make you happier.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/08/01/nalco01.xml]alcohol makes you smarter

The benefits of alcohol, which are thought to be linked to its effect on the flow of blood to the brain, can be detected when a person drinks up to 30 units of alcohol - about four to five bottles of wine - per week.


The researchers were unable to test the effect of higher levels of alcohol consumption, although drunkenness probably negates any positive effects on the brain.

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Energy drinks aren't good for your health!!!Unless you don't have extremely low blood pressure. Energy drinks consists more cooffeine than coffee. I knew a guy who died becouse hes blood pressure was too high and he kept on drinking energy drinks...so...cryfish...if you don't want to sleep, dink coffe, it's natural and helthyer!

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Actually decent energy drinks, like lucozade sport, contain no caffeine at all.


You're thinking of 'energy' drinks for people who want wake up, like red bull and all the copies.


Sports drinks are generally high in various sugars, have various salts in them and generally provide everything that you need in order to be able to work hard physically for longer.

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Hmm, I'll just stick to fruit juice and water then!


The benefits from red grape juice are equivalent to those from red wine (resveratrol, lovely stuff)


And those from red grape juice and green tea are actually a bit better than beer


The last one I've never heard of though, maybe there's something in that


You're too cunning for your own good, give me enough studies and I'll bloody start again :|

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guys even coffee is really bad for you. I remember reading that it can people to become depressed in the long erm as well other negative brain effects.. plus why put crap like that into your body..its just like a drug addict (as it is a drug)as you become reliant on coffee to wake etc

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I try not eat too late in the day and go for a large breakfast.


Generally I eat a lot of carbohydrates early in the day (fruit /veg/rice/past or bread) and gradually change this to higher protein percentage as the day goes on.


This loads me with lots of energy for training and the protein later on helps repair.

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