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Martial artists... what do you eat...


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I'd be really interested to see this. :-)


I found this...





In a study of 4641 people who drank 3 cups of coffee or less each day only 0.4% had

rheumatoid arthritis whereas 0.8% of 14,340 people drinking 4 or more cups had developed the disease. Markku Heliovaara, National Public Health Ins., Helsinki, Annals of Rheumatoid Arthritis. 8-2000.

....coffee could be part of the complex equation behind heart disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 9/2001, SN: 9/22/01










1. Oils in unfiltered coffee can raise cholesterol levels.

2. There is a coffee homocysteine (HCY) link.

3. There is no decaffeinated coffee HCY link.

4. This seems to imply a caffeine effect but no tea HCY link has been found.

5. Blood levels of HCY are usually controlled by B-6, B-12 and folic acid. However, the additive effect of coffee and smoking increases HCY levels.

6. HCY damages arteries and as such is a potent cardio-vascular risk factor.

7. Heart attack risk increases with coffee use.





1. Supplement your diet with vitamins B-1, B-6, B-12, folic acid, inositol and vitamin C.

2. Reduce your consumption of coffee if possible.

3. Monitor your HCY level to determine an allowable level of coffee consumption, and while you're at it check your folate and B-12 blood levels.






Coffee reported to reduce risk of gallstones in man. In a 10 year study of 46,000 men, age 40 to 75, those who drank 2 to 3 cups of coffee, (instant, espresso, regular, filtered) a day reduced risk 30 to 40 percent while those who drank 4 or more cups a day cut their risk in half. Dr. W. C. Willett, Harvard School of Pubic Health, Boston, Journal of American Medical Association: 6-9-99


Great stuff Catt, perfect excuse for me to drink coffee.

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I Bet The Same People Who Say Beer Is Goood For You Say Coffee Is.. That Hang Over The Next Day And Inablity To Train After After A Drinking Session The Night Before Lets Me Come To My Own Conclusion I Would Be Healthier Without It. Same Goes For Coffee!


Eat Well Drug Free, I Say!!!


Speaking of training, see you in an hour and a half!!!

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I Bet The Same People Who Say Beer Is Goood For You Say Coffee Is.. That Hang Over The Next Day And Inablity To Train After After A Drinking Session The Night Before Lets Me Come To My Own Conclusion I Would Be Healthier Without It. Same Goes For Coffee!


Eat Well Drug Free, I Say!!!


Lack of alcohol and caffeine is giving you a twitch in your Shift Finger Though :D


Yes, I am indeed the same person who is saying that alcohol is good for you in moderation (1 or 2 glasses of wine every day) and that coffee appears to have a net positive effect.


Excessive drinking isn't good for you, so if you're waking up with a hangover (as I do about once a month) then yes, that is potentially damaging your health.

Coffee however has never given me a hangover.


What are you defining as a 'drug', maybe you'd like to include sugar in the list, and many other natural chemicals that you find in various foods and drinks?

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well drug debate i could get into all day lol but i wont.. well drugs are classed as any that change the brain activity.. i.e heavy drugs (which most of us know) and alcohol,tobacco and coffee. just because they are socially exceptable does not define them an not being drugs they are.. do all those people who say i hate people who do drugs look in the mirror!!! haha --- ive gone sooo of the top i cant even remember what this thread was about lol


the shift thing--- i actually was typing all in block capitals to get my point across but came out like that ... stuff happens lol

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What are you defining as a 'drug', maybe you'd like to include sugar in the list, and many other natural chemicals that you find in various foods and drinks?


Dont get me started on the evils of sugar...its my only real vice... im so easily seduced by the dreaded stuff....

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Mm, me too


Missed out on training tonight so I settled for watching blood sport and kicking the air for a while when I got home. Not sure if I can blame sugar for that.


Didn't see any capoeira though Farhad - Was that the movie you were talking about?

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Mm, me too


Missed out on training tonight so I settled for watching blood sport and kicking the air for a while when I got home. Not sure if I can blame sugar for that.


Didn't see any capoeira though Farhad - Was that the movie you were talking about?



Suan Parades in bloodsport does a rather interesting capoeira boxing hybrid system.

Basically all the nonsense taken out. There is still the crescent kicks (also known as Keshada, correct me if im wrong).

Chong Li snaps Parades' leg in the semi finals.

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Ooh, him - I couldn't place what he was doing. That explains it!


Do you still want one of those tickets sitting with the rest of the AFK crowd? Ive saved our own people the seats on the stage (there are 2 buffet trolleys behind the stage). The BJJ lankyman and his dad have already booked a couple and apparently Mark the monkey sounded interested although I have to confirm with him too.


Claude from Black dragons has already picked his clubs ticket allocation up and Paul Cropper from lau gar is picking his up next friday.

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