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Blades Chat #5 Discuss United here


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Thank you for that mr_fowl_lube :) ........ but at least it's better than the Mogadon-ic state currently enjoyed by our inbred neighbours the Dingles. Oh, and Weeds ........ (reductio ad absurdum ...... otherwise known as Weeds actually)


Very true HH

Pass along that spliff, there's a good chap

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Hang about who threw this monkey a peanut??Referring to Overseas CanadaBluntBlade.


How can you say I am not living oin the real world u balloon??? Your the one who fu**ed off to Soccer land becuase United were making your life a misery....or you evaded your taxes..


You mention dodgy pen V Pool, but lets be honest Soccer Boy, your lot shut up shop as soon as you scored, there is no way on earth you can afford to do that week in week out. Might happen in Soccer land sunshine, but not here.


6 easy points for your lot when you play us next season.....hmmmm, keep living the dream.


That comment has made my night.....thank you


Typical closet Blunt who appears now and again, knows pratically nothing about his own team..By the way don't miss any games son, ticket holder for years, not some glory seeker from over the pond!!!!Throght thick and thin, WEDNESDAY TIL I DIE

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Don't wish to be too pedantic but if you're going to use the word "agitated' on a regular basis please try to spell it correctly. Don't you have spellcheck or what ?

And why don't you stay on your second tier site unless you have something constructive to post for discussion ?


Another Balloon, I rest my case.


Spelling lessons next week, not near Bramall Oink Lane, but far away, another TV supporter...


Still laughing, or is it laffing, me old sir..?



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Westilad, please stop the trolling.


All that will happen if you carry on is that tempers get frayed and you'll get a ban.




Bothered!!!! Just putting my point accross.


Been ok until Cagny and Lacey turned up, that's all.


I'll defend my team, you'll defend yours.


No violence this side son.

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Bothered!!!! Just putting my point accross.


Been ok until Cagny and Lacey turned up, that's all.


I'll defend my team, you'll defend yours.


No violence this side son.

Best thing to do is defend your team on your own thread,this is the Blades thread, for talking about our team, not a thread for slanging matches.

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Best thing to do is defend your team on your own thread,this is the Blades thread, for talking about our team, not a thread for slanging matches.



I agree. Why can't the Owls fans comment on their team on their own thread, or if they want to comment on the Blades make sensible comments on here instead of childish banter? I think there is a seperate thread somewhere on the forum for banter between Owls and Blades.

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