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Blades Chat #5 Discuss United here


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Well, from the perspective of Sky's Football First, and the second half only at that, I think both teams should be congratulated on having the decency to miss all three penalties, none of which should have been awarded in the first place.


Blackburn's was typical of I'm Mr Big Money Football Player, I am whose approach to football is something like Thou shalt not as much as breathe on me. I reckon United should send some free tickets to Ponds Forge diving pool to thank overpaid plonker.


The Hulse one was iffy to say the least and the final penalty was another case of a linesman wanting to find the satisfaction of reading his own name in the Sunday newspapers.


On a more positive note, if Blackburn reckon they've a good chance of finishing in the top six then put a tenner on the Blades to win the league. They (Blackburn) were very poor and I'm surprised we had to wait so long for that nutcase Savage to show his trademark 'scyth the players leg off from beneath the knee' tackle that he has become famous for.


Maybe that's why Blackburn were so poor. Week in week out they have to play with ten men; ten footballers and someone who purports to be a football player.


Let's hope for a bit of good luck against Reading. We certainly owe them one.

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I came away on Saturday dissapointed, because we were far better than them - but looking at the possitives:


1. they never troubled us at the back - they may not be the best team in the league, but we did look solid - Sommiell, Jags & Morgan all look Prem quality at the back.

2. We created a lot of chances - granted we didn't convert any of them, but one step at a time - at least we created some

3. Leigertwood looked more than capable of making an impact in centre mid. - maybe freeing Jags up to play at the back (where personally I think he's best).


We just need to put a couple of chances away to give us that confidence and we'll be ok

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I actually thought our first was correct, though it seemed to look worse in the ground than it did on TV, though Hulse was lucky to still be on the park after that attempted haymaker ....... Khizanishvili was particularly stupid, mind ....... he'd just been booked in the above mentioned 'tussle', he'd been warned along with Hulse just before the corner, and before the whistle was blown for it, the ref was very pointedly staring at the pair of them, watching for an offence.


I thought our second was a stonewall pen while in the ground, but when I saw it on MotD ....... ahem ....... it was ........ ahem ........ harsh ........

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