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Blades Chat #5 Discuss United here


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I am sure he will go out on loan ,if they pay a fair part of his wages,especially now that Kabba & Webber are returning to fitness.

I wish I could remain as positive as you Tosh,you seem confident we can survive.

As the song goes you always seem to look on the bright side of life.

Might as well be positive it's better than feeling down, there are far more important things going on in the World than worrying about a scoreline, which will come for United sooner rather than later.

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After a couple of impressive years at Luton, Rowan Vine is being keenly watched by Sheffield United, who are desperately seeking a stronger presence up front.Luton rate him at £750k.I really think we need a Midfielder not another striker.

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I'm struggling to see what ADE has done wrong since we signed him TBH!


-we bought him

-he scored a couple (Including a wonder goal against the grunters)

-Warnock dropped him (for no particular reason)

-Warnock brings in some French **** that he's never seen play before and puts him in team over ADE - and he doesn't cause a ruck like most players would


As for Reading Match - the amount of fans on the Kop that were using ADE as a scape goat....!!!! In the first half against Reading, how many fantastic balls were played to ADE? How many balls were put through for him to run 1 on 1 with the keeper?


-------- Answer--------- NONE!


if the service is rubbish to a striker, the only think you can ask of him is that he chases the ball down, and tries to make something happen when he gets the ball -------- HE DID THAT - HE ALWAYS DOES THAT!


People getting on his back after 30 mins at Reading was an absolute joke - and yet one of my mates had a go at Unsworth (who's been useless all season), and 5 or 6 people nearly punched him - and yet Unsworth deserves telling he's cr*p.


a depare of my fellow blades sometimes!

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As for Reading Match - the amount of fans on the Kop that were using ADE as a scape goat....!!!! In the first half against Reading, how many fantastic balls were played to ADE? How many balls were put through for him to run 1 on 1 with the keeper?


I actually thought the front two did okay against Reading. It was the rest of the team that was awful. Ade had one of his better games in terms of controlling the ball, holding it up and laying it off. You'll always get 100% when it comes to chasing lost causes but when we're under the cosh (which we will be a lot this season) we really need the ball to stick up front more often than not, and Ade can't always help us out there.


I sit on the kop and agree that he does get a lot of grief, but from where I'm sat Unsworth usually gets the most.

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Totally Agree With What You Saying About Unsworth Dont Think He Has Done Anything Yet This Season,yes Adi Might Run His Arse Off But He's Not Prem Class And Never Will Be ..i Think We Are In Need Of A Good Midfield Play Maker To Help Us Stay Up...


but people are making the statements "he's not prem class" and "let's get rid of him" without him really having a chance this season!


People seem to have changed their tune on Hulse after seeing him for a couple of games. When we paid £2.2m for him, I heard endless Blades on Football Heaven saying, what a waste, he's unproven, too expensive... and now it's "Hulse is the best striker we have"... if Ade is given the same chance to prove himself this season he may do well.


Let's be fair, he's consistantly scored goals throughout his career, but he had one bad season at leicester that everyone remembers.




I agree with the statement "It's a midfielder we need"


we could have Shearer up front when he was in his prime, and he would have struggled to find the net for us this season - reason - we're not really creating chances due to a lack of creative midfielders (apart from the perfectly good one we have on the bench most of the time - Quinn).

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