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Cost of Policing the Premiership


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Clubs who've relied on "proper footy fans" tend to be more concerned with having a whip round to pay for next week's leccy bill and avoiding a 10 point deduction from liquidation or CVAs. Many of the folk who've picked up tickets for SheffU v L'pool will have only ever been to a few games in their life before. They'll be students wanting to watch prem football and kids cajoling their parents into taking them. We get the same argument at Anfield. "The daytripping Wools are getting all the tickets." Whilst many of us do have long standing local and family connections with our clubs the reality is that football has to compete in the modern world. It needs the part time sky subscribers who buy replica shirts and sing "easy, easy" or it will die as a sport..


Rubbish. Season ticket sales will account for 2/3 of the stadium being filled. Take the away fans' allocation into account, and that doesn't leave a lot for kids/students, etc., wanting to go as a one-off.


Many Blades fans have refused to buy season tickets for years, due to the club ambling around, appearing not to have ambition, plain disbelief at the board's promises. Up to the last few years, who could blame them (I still had my season ticket though)?


Granted, there will be people there who hadn't been to every match previously, but they're not the stereotypical p/t fans.

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Well I didn't have that much faith into Stevie Mac until last night. He's a lovely bloke who I've had the pleasure of knowing since he took over at Middlesbrough, and he still lives in Yarm (where I grew up)! But Southgate hasn't exactly done that well since took over, I mean us getting beat my Doncaster Rovers? :hehe:


I really hope United do well this season though. They did well last season, and deserve to be in the top flight... hopefully they'll manage to stay up there :)


Cheers for the good wishes, and the same to you guys :)

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Hey, my hubby used to stay in Yarm alot when he was doing process control engineering at the teeside steel works. tall trees was where he used to stay. he used to tell me quite alot about the antics of 2 other footy managers that used to frequent that place. No names but one has got big ears and the other one had a nickname with captain in it

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Hey, my hubby used to stay in Yarm alot when he was doing process control engineering at the teeside steel works. tall trees was where he used to stay. he used to tell me quite alot about the antics of 2 other footy managers that used to frequent that place. No names but one has got big ears and the other one had a nickname with captain in it


Bryan Robson was (and still is) a part time playboy.


Loves a drink, loves the ladies. Common knowledge, so spill!!!



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Hey, my hubby used to stay in Yarm alot when he was doing process control engineering at the teeside steel works. tall trees was where he used to stay. he used to tell me quite alot about the antics of 2 other footy managers that used to frequent that place. No names but one has got big ears and the other one had a nickname with captain in it


Yup, on a Friday night you can be sure that Robbo & Peter Reid would be sat at the bar in Yarm 85, and they'd often be joined by Keegan. Those were the days, though Stevie Mac is often to be seen in Hide with his family having Sunday breakfast!

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Finally a Sheffield team in the Premiership.


As a Man. City fan student whos stayed on to do a 3 yr post grad course in Sheffield Im looking forward to living in a City with the buzz that a Premiership club brings.


As for it boosting the economy, it wont by much but you cant put a price on raising the city's profile. Take Bolton, Portsmouth, Middlesbrough for instance, they are in the press all the time because of the football team. In the same way that Kenya has been put on the map by its distance runners, Sheffield will benefit from this.

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