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Wing Chun Classes

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Well, I walked in to find a very quiet room with a couple of people practising the forms, then Sifu showed me the first three stages of the first form, Sil Lim Tao (or however you want to spell it). This involves adopting the horse stance and performing a sequence of hand and arm movements. Sifu showed me the moves enough times for me to be able to practice them on my own, then went on to show the other students (most of who seemed far more advanced than me) various techniques. It is not a punishing work out, but the stance works your legs and I'm feeling it a little in my arms now too. It is exercise, but it's not intense. It's certainly worth trying, and it'd be nice to have another total beginner in there!


I'm from the opposite end of the spectrum to you, I weigh about 16st and couldn't cope with anything too punishing for that reason, although I am reasonably fit for my weight, and I didn't have a problem with it at all.

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I can agree, Sifu Lai is a v good teacher. I would suggest doing some research before you attend the class, as you will be practising Siu Nim Tau for about five months. HERE are some videos of the forms. In Sifu Lai's class the forms are practised in the same manner and at the same speed as in the videos. The class is very relaxed and you do not have to do any exercise, but as mentioned previously you will need to start to be able to hold the horse stance for a considerable length of time to strengthen you legs and your structure.

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  • 6 months later...

Ving Tsun / Wing Chun


Different associations spell it different ways it makes them stand out from one another.


Sifu Lung Ting spells it Ving Tsun

Sifu Sam Kwok spells it Wing Chun


If you move around allot that’s when the spelling helps, but only in letting you know what lineage they are from (but sometimes that isn’t always the case).


Don’t get to hung up on the spelling go and have a go thats what i say.

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  • 3 months later...

They do Wing Chun at the Chinese Community Centre on Saturday evenings i think, 6.00-7.30pm.


There's also another place on Carlisle Street and i believe another at Ponds Forge, but i'm afraid i don't know the details of those. I do know however that a very different interpretation of Wing Chun is taught at each club so you might want to visit each (assuming you get the times!) and see what meets your needs.


The Wing Chun at the Chinese Community Centre focuses very much on forms and relaxation and is taught by Sifu William Lai (a link to his web site can be found elsewhere on here). It's quite slow and not for everyone, but Sifu Lai was taught in Hong Kong and as far as lineage goes he is second to none in the local area.


i don't know much about the other places, but i do know that what is taught is very different (i believe the place at ponds forge does lots of fitness work - this isn't touched on by Sifu Lai).

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