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Badminton Clubs

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Hi folks,


Got a question about the badminton club that plays at Dronfield, it isn't too far from me and I was wondering if you have enough places for me to come along?


Average player but wanting to get back into playing regularly,


Any other club ideas apart from these guys? Shiregreen is a bit far for me,






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Hi Mattel, there are places available at our club in Dronfield, we play at the Fanshawe School on Green lane, you would be made very welcome, As I pointed out previously, its 7,00pm to 9,00pm Thursdays, and 10,00am to 12,00 noon Sundays, Hope you can make it sometime, We play all through the year,

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@ Meg: Thanks for the info hun, will def get along when I can would be great to get back into playing properly agaiN, GOODNESS KNOWS HOW BAD i AM NOW THO :confused:


@ bILLY: Cheers for the invite mate, but Mondays are a no-can do for me I'm afraid, is it just the Mon night you play on?


It'll be badminton 5 nights a week if I'm not careful.... *grin*




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