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Martial Arts - any ideas!!!


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Hi does anyone know of any good martial arts clubs etc that might be of interested to a couple with no experience, just moved here and want to get fit and meet people!! Not sure what sort of thing would be best or whats on offer???


Hope to hear from someone soon - thanks :P

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I'm pretty sure they are :) Have to agree to disagree on that one.


Depends what you define as fitness though - obviously someone who trains for marathon running will be able to run further than a martial artist and a weight lifter would be stronger... but a martial artist would be better able to last 5 rounds in a ring. (Depending on the martial art of course, some admittedly don't involve much of a fitness component).


Having said that I can run a few miles without really feeling pressured despite doing no fitness training other than martial arts.


Gyms are a little too focussed in my opinion... useful as an adjunct to a sport but... so horribly boring!

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DaFoots comment was that a MA isn't the best way to get fit, not that there won't be any fitness benefit.


Surely the best way to get fit, is to not spend any time trying to learn a MA and to put all your energy into improving the area of fitness you're interested in.


IMO that's pretty boring though, and the OP also wanted the social side of things, which most MA clubs do much better than a gym.

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DaFoots comment was that a MA isn't the best way to get fit, not that there won't be any fitness benefit.

Spot on!


IMO that's pretty boring though, and the OP also wanted the social side of things, which most MA clubs do much better than a gym.

Agreed. I hate the gym...unfortunatly I need it if I am to progress further in my Judo!


I was just trying to point out for the OP that MA/fighting sport is not the best way to try and get fit. Try one of these games for the social aspect but for general fitness...circuits/gym/swimming/running etc etc.


I would be suprised if any MA/MS(port) did a lot of fitness work with beginners.

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I've been a little surprised at how physically hard the BJJ class actually is, probably on a par with the judo classes i've attended.

They are both somewhat harder than jitsu sessions, mainly due I think to the more competitive approach and the lack of 'down time' whilst the whole class is show a technique to drill.

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