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Martial Arts - any ideas!!!


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OK so now i'm seriously confused about what to do, some say kickboxing some say taekwondo, some organisations are good others say there bad!!!! arrrrrggghhhhh - help me!!! what do i do, i have good upper body strength, used to be a swimmer!!! a skier so not bad balance!!


any help would be great!!!


Taekwondo has some nice looking kicks but in my honest opinion, kickboxing is more well rounded.

More well rounded as in the kicks that you learn are maybe not as "pretty" as the Taekwondo kicks but more practical and also in the sense that Kickboxing employs the punches of the boxer.

Lets be honest now, no martial arts punching system comes close to the hand skills of the boxer. Kickboxing use boxing techniques for punching.


Kickboxing basically employs boxing hands along with practical and effective kicking as well as other elements such as elbows, knees, grappling and self defense.



Everyone will be biased towards their own art to an extent but it is up to you to use your intelligence to decide what is correct. Also some people know that what they practise is utter "tosh" for want of a better word but prefer to be deluded and prefer to believe that they can kill with the "delayed death touch" and will one day learn how to fly on reaching their 77th Dan Black belt

I'd say ask Crayfish, he is Sheffield's official martial arts club critic !

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arty480 I would say the same try them out but done stay with a school until you have tried other clubs, you need to be happy with the club and instructor not just the style.




You say no martial arts punching system comes close to the hand skills of the boxer. Kickboxing use boxing techniques for punching.


In your words What utter "tosh" :hihi: LOL


how can you compare one punch to another when the energies are different just because it don’t work in a ring with gloves on don’t say it don’t work.


I have seen good boxers a pro boxer punch someone on the doors and break this hand and the person went down and out.

but I have also seen a tai chi lad slap someone on the door he dint break his hand but the person still went down and out.


What one is better hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm??????????????????


Boxing punching is good one of the best but it’s not the only way of doing a punch:gag:

That would be like saying there is only one way to run.

you can’t compare a long distant runner to a sprinter, they both run but with different energy but you cant say one is better than the other there just different that’s all.


I would have to agree that some people are kidding themselves with what they are doing but that’s a different thing all together.

:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant::suspect::rant::hihi:

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Hmmm interesting.


When it comes to sheer punching power,hand speed, punch defence ,..etc I'd say the Boxer (especially a PRO Boxer) has it hands down (or is it hands up?). Thats my opinion for now.


Now when it comes to punching from Tai Chi or other Kung Fu styles, well it takes years and years to be able to use it effectively while you can learn to be effective in a boxing based system within a few months.


Your average Joe doesnt have the time to learn complex forms and hand maneuvres.

A lot of people in many clubs dont seem to care if they are doing the jab and cross properly !!!




Point taken on board all the same.


Farhad has left the building!

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