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Martial Arts - any ideas!!!


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Right then CBR

Let me adress your points one by one.

I have stated my opinions , you obviously dont like what I say online and neither does Matt Hunter ( please refer to http://www.likeicare.com)


1. Ramming AFK down peoples throat???

Who is doing that? People are giving positive feedback about AFK, well we must be doing something right. We have people of calibre coming to train here and they generally have good things to say once they have trained here.

You obviously dont like that.

OK not everyone enjoys training here , we do have people try to train in an advanced class who have graded to a high grade with clubs of weaker standards and not come back but hey you cant please everyone, we dont give belts out on a plate :hihi:


2.Dangerous people:

Im pretty sure that I can match you on knowing "dangerous people" LOL

Look me up if you wish to find more out. Heres a hint, our gym in town is actually headquarters for KNOX leisure and security run by Brett Stocks.

you would be best advised not to bother to go there :P


3.Friends or Enemies?

You came on here spouting your mouth off without due credentials. I simply corrected you. I have very high standards on what I consider a good club, you cant handle that, tough!

Now if Matt Hunter's club want to make friends in the kickboxing world and be recognised, I run shows at a novice level, I am willing to give them fair matches with other novices.

You cant just "take take take" you have to give back to the sport to help it grow. You cant call yourself a kickboxer if you are not involved within Kickboxing.


4. Belts that are worth anything?

2nd Dan and NEVER fought at all??? Is this 2nd dan in kickboxing?

Are you serious?

2nd Dan in a fighting art that has never fought?

Would you like fries with that?


5. Competing = kickboxing is a competitive fighting art so yes at the very top level competition even if you only have a small number of fights is important.

I have respect for a black belt that has a couple of fights wether or not they win. More so than a 2nd or 3rd dan that never kickboxed.

If you havent fought, you cant stand shoulder to those who have.

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We won't carry threads that contain any sort of threat no matter how it is couched or qualified. This subject is closed, and I will close any further kick boxing thread that I see in the foreseeable future.



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