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A newspaper girl of long ago.


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Anybody remember that girl who used to sell the Green'Un and the Star on the corner at the Lady's Bridge Hotel, opposite Castle Gate? She had a distinctive shout, like Greenuuuuuuun, and Finuuuuuuul, it used to dip in the middle and rise up a bit at the end. Do they still sell papers on the streets in town? Do they still call them 'finals'.

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There used to be lady who ocassionally sold the Star - possibly the Green Un - at the corner you mentioned.


Her regular route (Mon. to Fri.) was delivering the Star to homes and businesses in the Wicker Area. We knew her as "Mabel". We are talking about before, say, 1955-60. She certainly had a very distinct cry. Croak might be closer the the sound.


Street cryers are definitely a dying breed. I only know one practioner of the art in UK, who's cry still goes through me like a drill. He sells fruit and vegetables in Chesterfield Market. You can't miss him - his stall is right across from the bottom entrance to Mark's and Spencer's.



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More on the street life in Sheffield during the 50's. Remember those guys who offered you an 'Old Moore's Almanack' or a ball pen for a 'donation'?. I knew a couple of them, but no names. Actually they all wore the best of suits, Barney's or Kearney. The market lads, they were characters, best of 'clobber' again, used to stand around, feet together, arms straight down by the sides, palms of the hands always facing the rear, taking it all in.

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