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Does anyone know any Self defence classes?


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I'd look for a local martial arts club then, if you're really serious then you want something like BJJ/Shootfighting/Kickboxing with a strong competitive element.


I'd steer clear of anything that is marketed as a fixed length self defence course, as in a short period of time (like 10 weeks for example) there isn't much physically that can be taught to you that will work under pressure.

If you just want to do something for 10 weeks, then learning to run fast and working on your awareness would be better than learning wristlocks and eye gouges.


Sorry if this is a bit general, I can't give you the names of any specific clubs in S35.

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Shootfighting is definatly not suitable for someone looking for the kind of things that angel23 is looking for, ie confidence, self defense etc. Alot of men in their 20's find it too much.


I'd say Aikedo (is that spelt right ?) and there is a club on Wellington St, which caters for all

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Aikido - if you want to have a vague chance of defending yourself in 10 years, yes, or if you want to do a nice flowing martial art, yes. But not if you want to learn something relatively quickly that will work relatively well.


Maybe shootfighting is a bit hard core, but if you can survive training in it, then you'll be capable of handling yourself if you have to IRL.

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I've never been to the kapap place, but from what I've heard of it and from what I know of the art I'd say it'd be among the best self defence styles available.


It is a little harder than people think when starting out to get to a stage where you can be fully confident in your self defense / fighting ability though and could easily take five or more years - I know that I'd still be more tempted to run away if the option was available. It's a good idea to train a style that lets you realise this, as some can grant false confidence. Also, no one style that I've found yet has all the answers and it's good once you're at a certain stage to think about trying some other things too. Being fit, big and strong can offer as much of an advantage as skill.


The most important thing to begin with is to find something that you enjoy (preferably still something practical though considering you're motivated by becoming a good fighter). Martial arts / combat sports are great hobbies for fun and fitness and I'd recommend them to everyone. Just keep in mind that there won't be any 'magic bullet' approaches to self defense and clubs that try to sell themselves in this way (e.g. 'take our 10 week course and learn how to defeat cagefighting champions!' - a true advert I saw on the web once) don't know what they're talking about.

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