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Pulled muscle - advice needed

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I recently pulled a muslce in my side playing football (located at base of Latisimus Dorsi / Oblique) which hurts like hell whenever I twist my torso or try to bend to one side. In fact, it even hurts when I sneeze!


Have been to doctors and they just advised to rest it. I was wondering if anyone had any tips they use to speed up recovery as I hate being out of action.


Is there any benefit of using steam rooms or saunas for muscle injuries, as my local gym has them.

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I don't envy you mate, I did my shoulder in a bit ago and it made me stuck in bed for a couple of days but there isn't really much you can do.


I'm not a seriously active oersin but i know what you mean about being out of action. best thing to do is to try and take your mind off it is read a book as it's a bit more involving that tv.



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The only things that I have ever found useful in mobilsing torn muscles is gentle (and I really do mean GENTLE) massage and stretching, combined with osteopathy to keep everything else from seizing up from the lack of movement.


Other than that, arnica pills are the recommended homeopathic treament, and hot packs can help the stretching or massage.


If you're already doing all of those things then you just have to keep your brain occupied and try not to go too much out of your tree with boredom while you rest and heal.

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