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The Edwardian Father : Stern Stuff


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Saw your response to my earlier mail - the use of the term "Sir" to him wasn't really in the "knighthood" mode, but more of a "touch forelock" kind of way!

In truth, it caused me a bit of bother later when I started work, because I would automatically address anybody above me (male, of course) in the pecking order by the same term, which did lead to a few raised eyebrows!

Mind you, some didn't seem to mind....!

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LOL, PeterW !

Met a few of that variety too!

Going back to my ol' feller, I think it must have been his Army days that started it all off - regimentation, discipline, dishing out/taking orders and so on....

Probably found it hard to get back to civvy street after being demobbed...

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  • 7 years later...

I remember you John Oakley, I also remember your sis. Do you remember Jan, Dave Scott. I also remember having a drinking contest with you in the Porter on Sharrowvale Road. Good times John.

I can't remember my father hitting me at all but, by God, did my mother make up for it!!!


My sister and I lived in fear for as long back as I can recall. We were thrashed regularly with a leather strap and when we got to a certain age (I think it was 11) we 'qualified' for the buckle end. I once got beaten so badly with a large wooden spoon used for baking that I was bruised from the back of my knees to the middle of my back.


Usually we were told to "GET UP TO YOUR ROOM WHILE I FETCH THE STRAP" It would seem an eternity before we heard the sound of her footsteps and it was, in many ways, the fear and anticipation that was the worst part of the ordeal. Well, maybe not the worst, but a whole frightening experience in itself. On entering the room she would shout "I'M GOING TO THRASH YOU WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE" and sure as hell we believed it. We would be panic-stricken with fear and beg her not to hit us, but even this and the sight of us cowering in fright was not enough to stop her.


My dad left home when I was 13 and by this time I was pretty tall. (Good job I remembered to add the word tall there). One day my mother decided it was time to have another go at thrashing me 'within an inch of my life' (that's 2.45 centimetres for you young'uns brought up with the metric system). Well, I went up to her, looked down and told her that if she hit me ever again I would hit her back.


She never did hit me again, though the damage was done and I planned to leave home as soon as I could.


I left school just before my 15th birthday, got a job and, having a regular wage, I boarded at a friend's house. When I was 16 I got a bedsit at Nether Edge. Leaving home was one of the best things I have done in my life and certainly have no regrets even to this day.


Mum's dead now and, unfortunately, these are the memories I have.


Best years of my life? No way!


This story does have a happy and positive end though. Both my sister and I vowed that our own children would not grow up in fear and trepidation. Between us we have eight stable and sensitive children. Well, all but one are now adults and I'm proud to say that I've just become a Granddad.

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this post brings back so many memories i was beaten black and blue most days, one is dead now may she rot in hell the other cant have long to go may he rot in hell also. being kicked whipped with the end of a fishing rod beaten with an high heeled shoe, put in celler over night with the rats , rot in hell theres people on this forum that know me and know this is true thank god for childline, should have choked on your beer down attercliffe , and throwing me down stairs i still have the scars , may you rot in hell

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there are some very disturbing stories on here. I'm about to publish a book that touches on some of what you experienced, though mine was mostly psychological abuse. I haven't decided yet whether to post the website urls of my book on this site. But, I'll pm the info to each of you. Be nice to keep in touch.

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My heart goes out to you all.

My problems, whilst growing up, were totally different but I had a caring, loving, mum and dad to support me.

It's unbelievable to think your experiences were as recent and not a hundred years or so ago.

Cruelty, in one form or another, goes on today and we must be vigilant.

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there are some very disturbing stories on here. I'm about to publish a book that touches on some of what you experienced, though mine was mostly psychological abuse. I haven't decided yet whether to post the website urls of my book on this site. But, I'll pm the info to each of you. Be nice to keep in touch.


heres one for you , at about 10 years old i went camping when i came back they had moved house never even told me they were moving, i was found wandering on attercliffe common , wish it had stayed like that least i was happy on my own

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Don,t get me started about the enigma that was our old man,anyone who has read my previous posts on this subject won,t need a rerun!.I meet people nowadays who ask me why he treat me like he did and why he was always on my case,its got me foxed because he was entirely different with my twin sisters and my little bro who was bulletproof!.If he broke a window with the football I got clipped for not stopping him,I don,t get the logic,there was a twenty year difference in my parents age!.Maybe he was set in his ways too old to be having young boisterous kids,he was the bossman in the house it was his way or noway!.Despite all my tribulations when he died when I was in my thirties I cried like a baby,can you explain why I can,t!.

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sorry to say it but I was very lucky, dad only hit me once and years later we could laugh at it . mam used to clip me regulary but I took no notice all in all I was very lucky I hated school much more than home especially one teacher but that's another story but my wife had the same drudge existence as many of your posters

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