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Anyone on Prozac?? (fluoextine)

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i might be late with this (and no, i haven't read the whole thread so those of you who state the obvious, don't bother i've done it for you) yes it's normal. I felt crap on prozac so I didn't bother getting another dose and didn't consult my doctor, classic example of what not to do. If the side effects don't budge go see your doctor again because they might give you something that suits you better or something like that. Either way it says that on the packet lol.


Hope you're ok xx

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I was put on these 4 years ago because I went to the doctors complaining of feeling tired all the time and was told I was deppresed,Although I disputed this. I hate and drank very little for 2 weeks and then had a complete breakdown. I had thoughts of ending my life, Had to be told to eat and drink, was off work for 6 months and I have been on a different medication ever since. I know quite a few people for whom prozac works very well but I bellieve they made my condition much worse. I hope they work for you and that you start to feel better soon.

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  • 4 years later...

I'm on them and I think they are brilliant.


I wont lie though; it has taken a while for them to really help. But now about 7 months later they really have taken hold and have pulled me out of horrible gloomy hole.

I will be eternally grateful for the doctor prescribing them.


I had nausea and an upset stomach for a couple of months but that has mostly gone now. The only other prolonged side effect is heart burn. But my advice to Diesel would be to power through and hopefully the positive effects will weigh out the bad side effects. They did for me.


Taking SSRIs does not make you morally weak. I think it is a brave step to agree to go on them because it is a commitment to get better.


Stick with it, the bad days really do become further apart.


Best of luck



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Your mileage may vary.


I too suffer from SAD.


Prozac is (according to the first doctor who prescribed SSRIs for me) rarely given to males, because one of the possible side effects is priapism.


The first SSRI I took was Nefazadone. It had too many side effects and I couldn't do very much while I was on it. - I got off that very quickly and it was replaced with Effexor.


Effexor seemed to have no side effects. I stayed on it for 6 months, tapered off the dose then stopped for the summer. I then had symptoms similar to Meniere's disease (which lasted for three months.) Went back onto Effexor that autumn and came off again the following Spring. - Straight back to the Meniere's symptoms.


The doctor who was treating me said: "Well, you don't seem to have any problems while you're on the drug. - Stay on it all year round."


Unfortunately after about 8 months I did indeed have problems. Those problems started with me not wanting to do things ... not just chores, but things I usually enjoyed doing.


After a short time, I found that I didn't think I could do things! - I lost confidence in my ability to do things I'd been doing for years. Then I didn't even want to get out of bed.


Effexor has been linked to high rates of suicide amongst teenagers. - I think I can see why.


I came off Effexor immediately (with my doctor's knowledge) and went through a very rough six months. It took a long time for the side effects of that drug to go away.


If SSRIs work for you - good for you. Do be aware, however, that they don't work for everybody. If you do have problems (and they tend to creep up on you) GO AND SEE YOUR DOCTOR.

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I started it 4 days ago, and i feel so sick to my stomach. Is this normal??


If you read the literature supplied it will list all possible side -effects.Do you really trust strangers to give accurate advice on these matters rather than a GP?

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I've been on them for 16 years now and still have to take ranitidine to protect my stomach. All i remember when I first took them was sleeping, sleeping , sleeping ... But my doctor said that my body obviously needed it.


My daughter has had it and can't take it as she shakes constantly.


My friend had it and she couldn't sleep ..


They do take a good 3 weeks to start to do their job, so stick with it for a week or so but as others have said, don't just stop them .. See your doc.

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I started it 4 days ago, and i feel so sick to my stomach. Is this normal??


I too was on Fluoextine when I was going through really bad post natal depression. Definitely stick with them for a while longer. They worked for me. You may feel very tired that was the worse side effect for me but thats just the tablets relaxing you from feeling so tense and up tight. I only took them for 6 months and so far not had to go back on them but I wouldn't hesitate going back on them if I needed to. There is a lot of scare mongering as far as anti depressants are concerned but all I can say is mine has been a positive.


I think mine settled after a few weeks. They can take between 4-6 weeks before you see a real improvement in yourself but of course its not just the tablets that have to work at it, its yourself too.


Depression is a lonely terrible thing. Good luck with it and as you can see from peoples comments on here you do get better :)

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