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Vegi baby - no meat thanks!

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Being vegetarian is a lifestyle choice... is it fair to restrict your childs options before they understand that there is an option?


I suppose if you are of the opinion that you'd let your child try meat when they are old enough to ask for it, then that's fair enough.

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there is no need for anyone to eat meat - we can get everything we need from veg, plants, fruit, nuts etc.... id feel horrid putting a dead cow in my babies mouth

wasnt it estein who looked into it (amongst his other work!) and basically said the world would be a better place - think i read that in VIVA!

i think when he is older, about 11 ish and can make his own educated decisions, ill let him decide.

Hopefully over the yrs we will go to conservation zoos and farms and see wildlife -so he'll see all sides of nature etc..

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  • 2 months later...

My husband and I have been veges for some 18 years or so and intend to bring up the children this way too. I take care over what I eat and will do for for my children. It makes me angry when people criticise vege parents for making a positie decision about their childs nutrition when there are millions of parents out there who never really sit down and think about what they are feeding their children. I stand in the supermarket aghast at the rubbish in peoples trollies - convenience food for children full of junk. A meat diet can be positively toxic. Caring parents will think about their childs food and provide fresh wholesome food regardless of if it includes meat or not. There are good vege diets and bad ones (the cheese on toast vegetarians) just as there as good and bad meat diets (turkey twizzlers anyone?).

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As long as your children are getting a healthy balanced diet it really is nobodys business but your own. Chances are some of the people condeming you are the ones who feed their kids crap everyy night. A healthy child that is getting a good varied diet is a happy child, meat eater or not. I am a meat eater and so are my children but i agree with your decision. You are doing a wonderful job teaching your children to respect other creatures. Even us meat eaters should have more care and thought into how the animals have lived before they end up on our plate.

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My hubby still eats meat (turkey/chicken and fish) and i buy free range for him and fish direct form grimsby docks. I totally got him off Red meat and pork ughhhhh! and his digestive system is much better-if u know what i mean!! But because he did that for me, i have started eating Quorn-only a bit though.

I think some of the Fake meats are disgusting, and taste like meat yuk! whats the point? always liked linda MCc tho.

There are so many diff veg to try tho and even i havent tried them all yet-also find that my taste buds keep changing?!?!

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