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Egg and grapefruit diet - anyone tried it?

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Am sorry to sound negative but...


These types of diets are just pointless fads. Yes, they may shift weight for a short time, but once your body has adjusted to its new metabolic rate, you will hit a plateau fairly soon.


The only way to maintain a good healthy physique is a good balanced diet and regular exercise. Fact. I dont know a SINGLE person who hasnt lost weight, and MAINTAINED that loss through good diet and exercise.


People who say "exercies doesnt work for me" are just deluding themselves. Its a lazy persons way of saying "I cant be arsed"

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from a reputable (and believable) scientific research website:



FACT: most versions of the grapefruit diet add up to under 1000 calories per day - sometimes as low as 800. This is a dangerously low amount for people to live on over the long term. The diet generally states that it is supposed to be followed for only three weeks at a time, but this three weeks is sufficient to play seriously unpleasant games with your metabolism. When you go on an extremely low-calorie diet, your body goes into a "famine mode." It thinks that it is starving, and your metabolism SLOWS DOWN. When, after the three weeks is over, you return to a more normal eating pattern, your slowed-down metabolism deals with the extra food by turning it into fat, storing it against the "famine". Result? You gain weight quickly...frequently more than you lost originally.


FACT: This diet is critically low in several crucial nutrients, among them protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, and several vitamins. While this may vary according to the specific version you are using, it is a consistent problem across every version of the diet I have looked at, as well as the one I used, long ago.


FACT: There is a great deal of argument over whether grapefruit enzymes have any particular benefit to losing weight, or if the amount of grapefruit enzymes you will get from eating fresh grapefruit will be sufficient to really benefit you. One study has suggested that highly concentrated doses of the enzyme, coupled with a more moderate, 1800 calorie a day balanced diet, may be beneficial, but you would need to consume a huge amount of fresh grapefruit each day to get that much enzyme, and in so doing, you would add hundreds of additional calories to your diet each day.


This is not a safe or beneficial diet. If you believe the scientific research about grapefruit enzyme, then do yourself a favor and get one of the grapefruit enzyme supplements sold at most health food stores, and add that to a balanced, moderately low-calorie diet if you must. But any diet which is not safe to be on for more than a few weeks at a time is simply not safe...and not good for you.

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