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Hildebert de Lacy Pigott


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The name Hildebert de Lacy Pigott appears to have been given to the eldest son in each of four generations of the Pigott family all living in Sheffield. Originally the family ran 'beerhouses' in the Pitsmoor area from the mid 19th century. The final family member with that name is recorded as living in Wincobank and died in the mid 1960's.


Do anyone have any connection with or knowledge of this family?


The earliest Hildebert de Lacy Pigott - what a distinctive name - was born in 1824 and is my great, great grandfather. My side of that family has been in Sheffield ever since.


Many thanks in advance for any information.

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1901 Directory

Pigott Hilderbert de Lacy beerhouse 85 Pye Bank


1911 Directory

Pigott Hilderbert De Lacy beerhouse 85 Pitsmoor road


1919/20 Directory

Pigott Hilderbert De Lacy beerhouse 85 Pitsmoor road


Do you have a 'full set' of 19th century census returns?



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I worked at Jessop Saville on Brightside Lane in 1963. One of the top managers there was called Lacey Pigott, but I thought Lacey was his christian name. To say he was a top liner, he was always sociable to us and spoke whenever he saw us. Could he have been one of the people you refer to?

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Thanks for the excellent lead. Your work colleague at Jessop Saville could indeed have been the last in the line. The details I have are that he was born in 1908 in Pitsmoor and died in 1966 in Pitsmoor. Hence in 1963 he would have been 55. Does that sound right?


I am told that the family name in Sheffield was pronounced Pye-got rather than Pig-ot. Is that how your chap's name was pronounced?


My interests are twofold. Firstly I am aware that there are other Sheffielders who have posted on genealogy web sites looking for information on this family line. Unfortunately their e-mail addresses are not longer valid.


Secondly there is a social aspect in that the surname and family name were preserved for what appears a long time. And as well as there being a series of Hilderbert de Lacy Pigotts in Sheffield there were individuals with the same name in other parts of the country. I wondered whether they were part of a religious brotherhood.


There are two theories about the origin of the name which emanates from France. Some say they came from Normandy with the William the Conqueror, whilst others suggest they were fleeing Hugenots. In both cases the family may have arrived through Ireland where there are a lot of De Lacy families (similar to Delaney) and Pigotts.


Many thanks for your help.

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Thanks for the excellent lead. Your work colleague at Jessop Saville could indeed have been the last in the line. The details I have are that he was born in 1908 in Pitsmoor and died in 1966 in Pitsmoor. Hence in 1963 he would have been 55. Does that sound right?


I am told that the family name in Sheffield was pronounced Pye-got rather than Pig-ot. Is that how your chap's name was pronounced?


My interests are twofold. Firstly I am aware that there are other Sheffielders who have posted on genealogy web sites looking for information on this family line. Unfortunately their e-mail addresses are not longer valid.


Secondly there is a social aspect in that the surname and family name were preserved for what appears a long time. And as well as there being a series of Hilderbert de Lacy Pigotts in Sheffield there were individuals with the same name in other parts of the country. I wondered whether they were part of a religious brotherhood.


There are two theories about the origin of the name which emanates from France. Some say they came from Normandy with the William the Conqueror, whilst others suggest they were fleeing Hugenots. In both cases the family may have arrived through Ireland where there are a lot of De Lacy families (similar to Delaney) and Pigotts.


Many thanks for your help.



Hi Yerman. Yes that does certainly fit in with Mr Pigott's age. Yes, it was pronounced Pygott and not Pigott - without a doubt. Hope I have been of some help and good wishes for your quest.




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Many thanks for your input.

I have every reason to believe there may be someone with the original Hildebert de Lacy Pigott name still living in Sheffield.

The pronounciation of the surname is interesting. I had never heard the Pygott variant until very recently. I am now told it is not uncommon in Sheffield.

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[i have just had a look on Genesreunited and there are quite a few people on there who have Hildebert de Lacy Pigott in their family tree. They all have email links. Have you looked on there.



It is another avenue that is being pursued. Thanks for your input.

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  • 5 years later...

I have just found out that hildebert de lacey pigott is my great uncle 3x i am called karen

Hildebertdelacey Piggott had a sister called Elizabeth, who married William Bellamy. Hence my attachment to the family.


Any further help, please message me.

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