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Marcliffe School


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Was David Ellingham a teacher at Marlcliffe?


In the early 1980s I worked for an outfit called the Microelectronics Education programme, writing sofwtare for school. I seem to remember that this chap was associated with Marlcliffe. Good fellow.

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I remember all of those teachers! I think Mr Sharp was the headteacher while i was there!

I lived in the first house on your right on Vainor so it was nice and close too. Used to go home at lunch for jam sandwiches and watch rainbow! haha!

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What dates were you all at Marcliffe? I was there from when I started school until I went into comp in 1973. I remember Miss Arthur who was my French teacher. I also remember Mr Ellingham, he was the headmaster when I was there, also remember Miss Young - does anyone remember her? Now she was a character.

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I was there around that time. I left in '76 so you were a bit ahead of me. Miss Young - God, I remember we used to laugh our heads off at her huge bloomers whenever she bent over.

Do you remember Mrs Hampson, the music teacher who looked like her nickname - Hamster? And Mrs Priest, scary but heart of gold underneath, drove a 2CV and was Head of Ruskin house (my house).

My best mate, Catherine used to live on Vainor Road close by so often went there for lunch. Only went past the school the other day and it's hardly changed at all.

By the way, this is SunnyH's wife, Anne.:)

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Miss Young had me in stitches all the time, I always got told off by her for laughing but she did things to make you laugh, like jumping up and down and saying daft things and bending over showing her huge bloomers as you say. I remember Mrs Priest too. Also Mrs Hampson. In fact my brother's friend's wife is a good friend of hers and goes to musical concerts with her. I remember sitting round her piano in her music lessons, she'd got a real sing songy type voice and always pouted her lips. Do you remember Mrs Barratt - her nickname by the lads in my class was Parrot Face.

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  • 9 months later...

Oh my! this is better than friends reunited! hahahaha. I went to Marlcliffe from 64 to 71. Lived on the Middlewood estate when it was first built. I remember Mr Sharpe, think he moved out of the area when i did. Good old days eh

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