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Drama classes for adults

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I'm looking for drama classes for adults in Sheffield, or nearby.


Sheffield College have full time ones but I'm thinking more in terms of one evening a week, type of thing.


I know Act One used to do them some years ago, but I've rung them and they no longer do. Any ideas and suggestions very welcome. Thanks

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Hi, I'm intersted in giving it a go, do you have to have a background in theatre or do Sheffield Theatres accept beginners?


Also as I've got ginger hair, will this cause problems, for getting acting parts etc. and can your group cater for people with this problem ?


Just look at http://www.sheffieldtheatres.co.uk/education/ and follow on from there.


Ginger hair is a bit of a problem though, so I'd just bite the bullet and tell them up front. If you're willing to shave your head completely and wear a wig, they might be ok.

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