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Learning German...

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...myself and the other half want to learn a bit of German.


We've been looking for a teach-yourself type DVD but can't really see any either online or in the shops, they all seem to be CDs - we'd prefer a DVD cos we think we'd find it easier being able to visualise things.


Has anybody on here ever taught themselves another language? How did you do it? Is it better to go on a course? If so, can anybody recommend any good courses around southern Sheffield?


Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Danke. :)

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Having lived in Germany for nearly 4 years I found it very hard to learn the language. No amount of cd's or books helped me in any way. Dont know if it's me being lazy or just something in my head that wont let me learn another language. If you find something that works for you let me know ill give anything a try. :thumbsup:

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German courses are held at Birley Community College on a Thursday evening. It costs £5 to enrol and then about £1-2 for each class. Theres 10 classes each school term.


Enrolment is on 18-22 September at the College between 9.00 till 5.00. Or for more details ring College on 2392531 after the college opens again next Tuesday (the 5th of Sept).


I know because my Dad manages the Adult Ed classes - theres IT, Spanish, Yoga as well.

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As the new term approaches, why don't you check out if there are any courses planned on BBC, either on BBC interactive or radio? I remember such programmes as; Kontakte, Wegweiser and Get By in German.

Ideally, you want as much material as possible - reading, conversation and being in the country is a big help. German news on radio is an idea, if only to recognise a few words and look them up. Regular listening gets the ear attuned.

The BBC courses are often supplemented with books and you need a good dictionary like a Collins which gives idomatic examples. It isn't an easy language to learn because of the 'cases' but unless you are sitting an exam, it is the communication and ability to get by, which is the pleasing aspect. Germans will appreciate that people have tried to learn - given the reputation the British has for 'everyone can speak English'. It will need to be worked at but a little, regularly, is the best way rather than a long session and frustration. The local colleges may run to some evening classes but my experience is that 30 enrol in September and when the dark nghts/cold weather arrives, you are down to a hard-core of six!

Tip for starters - all German nouns have capital letters. Despite what the British media thinks, the umlauted letters are also important, they are part of the alphabet. They exist for a reason. PM me if you have more questions. Just remembered the Hugo's Language Courses and handbooks. DVD's ? Well after my time!

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Haben Sie versucht, Ebay zu suchen? Wenn es gibt DVD verfügbar dann jemand auf dort Ein verkaufen soll.


Versagen, der die Sheffield Hochschule ein ausgezeichneter Ort sein könnte, Deutsch zu lernen.


Ich mich selbst könnte zu Griffen mit ihm ordentlich, mainlg nicht erhalten, weil ich den Lehrer nicht gemocht habe, den ich denke, aber gefunden spanisch viel leichter und machte das anstatt.


Viel Glück mit der deutschen Sprache!

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I'm very surprised to hear you couldn't find DVD courses - the BBC course called Deutsch Plus must be available; perhaps the shop had sold out at that point. It's worth asking at the desk to order it. The programme was a soap opera about an East German refugee working at a TV station and was really entertaining! The BBC shows its language courses overnight so you can record them in blocks - I used to get a timetable leaflet from the library, though the schedule should be online too. I do recommend it.



Just found this.


And this.

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