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Sheffield 40 years on!


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True … but! Quite close to me is a council estate in which practically everybody and their grandfather get their meals from a chip shop opposite me. They either eat outside the chippy or in their cars before they drive the two hundred or so yards back home. All their waste is scatttered about my car park so each day I get someone to pick it up and bag it for me, then tootle off in my car with the window open, and spread it around where it belongs — on the council estate.


With a philosophy like that you do not accomplish anything.

What do the people on the estate do with the rubbish?

No wonder the city is a mess.

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Oh dear how many negative people around. Sheffield isn't perfect but what big city is?The peace gardens are wonderful and to see so many enjoying the area in the sunshine instead of avoiding the place due to dropouts drinking there is great. Barkers Pool is a much nicer place than it was. Things change all the time and that is the way a big city like Sheffield should be. There are many new plans for the city centre in the pipeline and I hope the powers that be will listen to what local people want but I also hope that we can accept things with an open mind. Despite the litter louts etc Sheffield is much cleaner than it ever was. Stop looking at the past through rose tinted specs and get excited about the future. :)

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i left sheffield 20 yrs ago and what i noticed about the people in my town was that they were so diffrent,sheffield people were so friendly while here they are very reserved and not so friendly, i miss the people of sheffield very much and sadly havent been able to visit for eight years now. i stil have lots of family there and would love to come back to visit. it was my roots and wil always have fond memories. sad to hear about the hole in the rd and fishes av gone now but im sure there wil be many new sights to see which i am looking forward to seeing.and how i miss hendersons relish!

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Paul, Sydney has some nice beaches & the Harbour is perfect but some of the suburbs are dirty like Sheffield used to be some years ago, I used to go to these places when I got home sick.

We live an hour & a half south of Sydney & yes we have beautiful beaches on the doorstep, I still miss not being able to nip to Castleton, Edale etc & not seeing my old mates on the street at times, we have the National Park with waterfalls etc only 30 mins away but it's not the same, mind you I wouldn't come back to live. Perth is the cleanest City that I have ever seen.

The lifestyle is changing here these days because some migrants have brought their aggressive behaviour with them, others have brought the drugs, so it's good to live well away from the cities. you get at least one shooting or stabbing in the Sydney area every day nowadays, what's this got to do with clean cities, just to show we have some garbage on our streets, wink, wink.

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peterw - yes how sad is your situation - doesn't resolve anything!


Think I agree with Skippy - once you're out of the big smoke the problems dilute - although they don't disappear!


Maybe when I return in another (hopefully) couple of years, things will have stablished. Was interested to find a site today called (think) Sheffieldfirst - which talks about a broad strategic plan.

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Just three weeks ago i had my sister and brother- in-law visiting here in Ontario.

My sister brought two of her grandchildren, a boy 11 and a girl 16.

I asked them "What is the biggest difference you see between Sheffield and Toronto/Niagara Falls/London. Ontario.

Their answer was unanimous "It is so clean" i.e .no litter.

This has nothing to do with economics ,unemployment or social conditions but rests sole on the backs of the citizens.

When I was visiting my mother in Northern General in 02.

I would leave the hospital around 8.pm taking the bus uptown .On the short walk from the Haymarket to Angel St ,the amount of garbage on the pavement around the Co-op was disgusting.

Even if it was cleaned up overnight there is no excuse for it to be there in the first place

I lived in Montreal for nine years, and must agree that Canadian cities were very clean, much cleaner than nearby US cities. Niagara Falls Ontario was a totally different place from Niagara Falls, NY, and Buffalo was a disaster.
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I agree with the seemingly random and chaotic growth and development of Sheffield as being quite an eye-sore. I can't see any grand-scheme apart from letting in the developers to do what the hell they want.


However, having said that, Sheffield is still the greenest city in the UK with more trees per person than any other city. Also the green air act does mean that you don't have to worry about soot stains when leaning against a wall anymore.

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