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Can't believe what I've just seen - old woman pied in face...

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Dear lordy, whatever next? Crime just gets more diffuse by the day. It seems this incident has ushered in yet another category of misdemeanour. We've had street crime, computer crime, crimes of passion, white collar crime, and now to the list we must add upper-crust crime. I wonder whether it can be dealt with in tort law...

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(Can you hear that?Thats the sound of the barrel being well and truly scraped)

Ahh, don't you mean the sound of the pudding basin being scraped....mmm sticky iced fingers

Don't worry about him, he'll get his just desserts and perhaps with a bit of ruff puff thrown in.:thumbsup:

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You know, this was such a good read, until I got to page 7 and everyone started getting all offended by those people able to have a joke.


Yes it was a horrible thing that those guys did and yes they should be punished and yes we should have some compassion.


BUT, if we can't have a little joke about something that (when taken out of context and out of real life) is a little bit amusing, what kind of life must we be living?!?


You know that on average a child laughs something like 300 times a day. Adults do only 3 times a day. I reckon thats got something to do with the fact that people feel too ashamed to laugh at things that a child would simply find funny, cos they think about it too much and think someone will take offence. It's a damn shame!! If everyone just laughed a little more life would be so much better.


The people making jokes on this thread and the people reading this thread laughing are not laughing at the old woman and what happened to her. They are laughing at the IDEA of what happened. If this was in some comedy on TV (Only Fools and Horses or something similar) you'd all be laughing too. Don't deny it!

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And me, very well put indeed Anna0166. Most of us agree that it's not the crime that is funny but the road its gone down on here is.

In fact, as an oldie myself, I see it as a service to me......they say we should keep the brain active so this has been part of my daily dose. I've quite enjoyed the play on words.:thumbsup:

So let's carry on with Rock cakes and


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