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Can't believe what I've just seen - old woman pied in face...

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Also, have you noticed all the posts were readable even WITH the wrong words and even the wrong words were almost all spelt correctly:thumbsup:

Anyone's granny would be proud hey. A supperb feast:hihi:

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I'm back ... I was suffering from cold turkey.:thumbsup:


So I made a mistake, cos my verse wasn't prose

Though my ramblings were long and rather verbose

As long as it rhymes, it means cash in my purse.

So how can you tell what is prose, what is verse?


Anyhow, verse doesn't rhyme with nose. :hihi:

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MARVELLOUS — Jabberwocky and Saxon!


Couldn’t do better if I wrote a letter.

Could do a lot worse if I did it in verse.

And as for the writing (real but not)

Thank-you forumers — thanks a lot!


What a thread!

What wit! What verse!

You’re all the stars

Of the Universe!

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I agree. It’s a Trifle Tart-y to say the least. But the Moderators seem to g-Oven what goes on, and they’re probably as happy with all the abbe-Rations as we are.

Got to admit, though. The contributors have been full of Beans — even if we’re a bit half-Baked. We seem to have opened a Can of worms! I’ll bet that even the old lady who was pied would be t-Ouched by all this attention.

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