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Can't believe what I've just seen - old woman pied in face...

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Considering her age, I think it was right to call an ambulance. I think one being called out to someone who has drunk themselves silly is more a waste of the ambulance service time. I presume none of you would find it so hilarious if it had been your mum.


Why?? If shes not injured (not that likely from a pie) what are the ambulance service expected to do???. their only option is to take her to A&E (sure she really wanted that!). they dont "do" lifts home, its A&E or nothing. cant help thinking as it was obviously witnessed that at least one passer by/ local employee could have calmed and provided cleaning facilities. agree, wouldnt have been impressed had it been my relative, but wouldnt have been requesting an 'emergency' ambulance to sort it out, as could be someone elses mother dying from a heart attack while they are basically doing what any first-aider could have done.

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Why?? If shes not injured (not that likely from a pie) what are the ambulance service expected to do???. their only option is to take her to A&E (sure she really wanted that!). they dont "do" lifts home, its A&E or nothing. cant help thinking as it was obviously witnessed that at least one passer by/ local employee could have calmed and provided cleaning facilities. agree, wouldnt have been impressed had it been my relative, but wouldnt have been requesting an 'emergency' ambulance to sort it out, as could be someone elses mother dying from a heart attack while they are basically doing what any first-aider could have done.


Do we only have one ambulance then? It's just the same as someone dying from a heart attack because they were busy with some p*** head. How do you know the shock wasn't going to bring on some attack or that she hadn't fallen and broken something. Old peoples bones are very fragile. I would imagine the people who attended her had enough about them to decide whether or not an ambulance was neccessary.

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elderly people can go in to shock very easily and in some cases can be fatal. of course it was right to call the emergency services. the people responsible for this are scum and deserve a good kick in the k nackers. they probably nicked the pies anall.

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while thats pretty nasty (both to pie and pensioner) WTF does she need an ambulance?? Was this a life-threatening pie attack?? unless it set off her angina, why not just give her a wet-wipe and a cup of tea. (sorry, but hate misuse of the ambulance service, its not what their there for)


She’s said to be in her 70s and suffering from shock. That’s what the ambuiance is for. She may also have some other injuries.


Sooner or later you’ll be old too — and hopefully get the same treatment when some scum do it to you.

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